Sunday, 28 March 2010

Skaven Awaken

After a long period of....nothing, I have finally completed my Doom-Flayer. Mass engine of destruction, this spiky bastard took time and effort and I for one am happy with the results. By the end of this weekend I should have finish my Rat Swarms and started work on my Skaven slaves. That's right, I'm actually going to do a Skaven force. I love converting and painting them so much I'm going to do an army on them. I will do three posts with each one dedicated to an allocated points score (750, 1000 and 2000 pts) with a brief description on each one.

This force will be themed around Clan Skryre and is ment to be a fun army as opposed to say a Tournament style one. As such it will make use of lots of Skavenslaves as the unfortunate backbone with lots of Clan Skryre special and rare choices. In truth, this is a make or break army as it will probably mean one simple bad roll could send this force spinning out of control. Of course, that's the reason I love it so much.

The only problem I have is with the Warpstone Armour I've added to Snikkitch. It says that it's the only armour a Warlock Engineer can wear, But it doesn't state whether you can cast spells or not while wearing it. I've asked various people for their interpretation of the this item and the armour rule for wizards and so far everyone seems to believe that a Warlock Engineer can cast spells while wearing it. Thanks to those with their opinions and no thanks to the recent Skaven faq which had no such question in it.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Creative Ideas - Thoughts on Character Creation 1

As I was working on an idea for a project (coming soon), a thought had occurred to me: What does it take to turn a simple sketch or miniature into an in-depth character? Looking back onto my most recent one, the Skaven warlock engineer Snikkitch, I decided to jot down some thoughts. Snikkitch will provide some examples.


A name is a defining piece of character creation. It's practically a label for the idea it's attached to. It also gives them the first point in their further creation. Names can be simple like 'Fred' to the point of grand like 'Lord Gorejaw Soulkiller the Tormentor'. Names can also give personality to the character, such as a comical name means the character may be of a funny nature, while a serious and violent name would reflect such a personality.

(Having just painted the Skaven warlock engineer model, I felt that he needed a name. The thought 'Snikkitch' came to me and from that point on, that was his name)

Personality and traits:-

So you've given your character a name, now what? It's time to ask yourself some questions like:
What's he/she like? Are they a passive or aggressive type? Adventurous? etc
Do they have any defining features? What do they like/dislike?
Simple things like favorite colour/foods/etc can also be helpful in defining them.

Once you have some of these questions answered, then you can put those pieces together and give them a basic personality. This too will evolve over time and the more the character is used the more in-depth the personality will become.

(A warlock engineer of Clan Skryre, Snikkitch has a personality like most Skaven; egotistical, devious, treacherous etc. He is a powerful caster and brilliant inventor, but is always suffering setbacks and failures mostly due to bad luck, though he always escapes punishment. Despite being a serious Skaven, he's usually the unfortunate comic releaf)

History and Family:-

A history is a great way to flesh out a character. By giving them a past, you have shown a path they have walked on to reach where they are now. Family too can also help in this respect. The allow you to create new characters who have had a part in also shaping the characters life. This can also lead to building up these new characters for later use as well.

(Snikkitch is a part of a three brother berthing A.K.A triplets. His other two brood-brothers are Gnithnik and Snikkotto. The three have formed a secret allegiance to over-throw their current clans sub-ruler, the Forgemaster Skith)


Obviously this is just a small part of the character creation and evolution process, but it may give you some idea on what to think next time you do a quick sketch while bored or paint that miniature that's lying about.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Projects - March

So February proved to be just as uneventful, but no matter as things in March have finally started on a roll. The Skaven slaves have been whipped (literally) into action as work on the Doom Flayer gets underway. Snikkitch has also been muttering something, but hasn't proven too helpful. As for the mask, it's still a work in progress, as is the Vampire, and the Chaos Ogre, and the Knight.....

Hopefully I can get some work posted up soon. Till then, please check out the fav's section as that's always being updated (over 3900 fav's to this date).