
My links can be found here in the bottom section.

Here are links to various websites and people/organizations whom have inspired me, entertained me or do great things (or perhaps all three):

Miniatures Painting:

Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic  (Youtube)
-A great miniature painter who has a great set of tutorials and guides that have helped me in my work.


Michelle Pike (Website)
-A great Australian artist who produces some brilliant and often funny works.

Draw with Jazza (Website) (Youtube)
-An artist who I stumbled upon recently. Lots of great tutorials and tips.

SupaCrikeyDave (DA Page) (Comic)
-An Australian artist/animator who has been responsible for doing a majority of the character art I've commissioned. 

Shoo Rayner Drawing (Youtube)
-This was a guy my TAFE support Councillor directed me to, which is helping me get back into drawing again with some basics and silly works. Go check him out.

Support Services:

beyondblue (Website)
-Depression/Anxiety are destroyer of souls (I know), so don't be afraid to ask for help

More to be added soon, suggestions appreciated.