
A lot of my hobby pictures are uploaded to my DeviantArt page:


 I certainly have a love of photography, but am limited in the locations I can shoot pictures. That said, I do get a chance here and there to do it along with my recent addition of video recording.

 Photo Gallery


 What started off as a simple gaming hobby turned into much more. I was a big fan of Games Workshop products for a long time, with Skaven being a big joy of mine. I love creating characters and through miniatures I can give them life through conversion and paint.

Games-Workshop Miniatures


Why Skaven?

I've always been a big fan of animal anthropomorphics (try saying that ten times fast) with some notable ones like Sonic the Hedgehog, Chip & Dale etc. In many such shows it is always the rats who are the villains (in fact, rats have always been seen as evil with the Black Plague of the 1300s being a major contributor) so it was only a matter of time before the Skaven caught my eye.

I got my first look into the Skaven when I read the Gotrek & Felix novel Skavenslayer. There I was introduced to the greatest Skaven of all, Grey Seer Thanquol and the clan that I would follow, Clan Skryre. I continued reading more books about them and the more I read the more I liked them. They are evil, cruel, egotistical and down right insane. Their goal is to take over the surface world and they indeed could do it, except for the Skaven's greatest enemy, themselves. Each Skaven see's himself superior to every other Skaven, but also believes that every other Skaven is out to get him. This is true of course, but never when he thinks it is. Many Skaven make enemies of their fellow ratman by turning on them in an act of paranoia. Because of this, just when things look good on the battlefield, leaders begin seeing their allies as enemies trying to steal his glory and thus the treachery begins and battle lines fall apart, costing the Skaven victory. After that there is a lot of finger pointing and blame placing, but after a few assassinations things go back to normal (mostly because those involved are dead).

Clan Skryre is my chosen clan. They are techno-sorcerers and it is this image that really appealed to me. The idea of mixing both science and magic in a perfect blend to create just about anything is undeniably what bound me to them. Even better is that not only do they create some of the most weirdest, coolest and most dangerous things, but that there is about a 50/50 chance that it can devastate an enemy or backfire spectacularly. What more could you ever want!

The Claw of Skith

The claw of Skith is my own cult-force and is lead by Skith Warpclaw the Forgemaster.

He rules the Clan Skryre outpost with an iron claw (literally, he has an iron claw) and want's nothing more then to continue his techno-sorcery experiments without the Council of Thirteen (and his own clans) interference. Use's Ikit Claw's rules.

Skratchnsniff is not a Skaven, but is human (or at least was). His research into the fable rat-men drove him insane and leading to believe he was one of them. After much scavenging and collecting, he created a rather tacky costume and took on the guise of a Grey Seer (he even has bottled musk). Amused by this creature, Skith took him on as a personal adviser and most other Skaven tolerate him (for fear of Skith's wrath).

Skrag the Gatekeeper (Warlord)

A former Warlord of Clan Ektrik, Skrag decided that the original debt with Skith's clan was not worth paying. If there was one thing Skith didn't like, it was another clans treachery. Skrag no longer remembers his former life, only the voices that he follows (a result of Skith's mental headset and warpstone fulled chemicals). Attached to Skryre's own 'Bonebreaker' variant (which was once Skith's own pet giant rat which was killed in Skrag's betrayal....see, Skith does have a sense of humor) Skrag leads his Clanrat unit into the thick of the fight, crushing any and all that stand before him and the might of the Claw of Skith.

Much of Glitch has been reconstructed after he challenged the Forgemaster and lost. Part of Skrag's treachery, he seems to have gotten the raw end of the deal, which is actually quite common amongst Skaven. His mind not his own, he now act's as Skith's personal enforcer.

Grish is in charge of the Slaves and compared to most Skaven he treats them well enough. He appears rather quiet and timid, but once he puts on his rat-fur hat (made from a previous rat hound who he was convinced talked to him) he becomes a roaring, Napoleon-like leader, rallying the slaves to his call.

 Currently a Battle Standard Bearer, but haven't done any fiction on him yet.

Part of the alliance with Clan Eshin, Shin is both emissary and spy for his clan. Skith is aware of it, but goes along with the game being played. Shin thinks himself the master of manipulation, except he's been manipulated to think it.

The Trio of Terror
The Trio of Terror are the sole survivors of one of the groups largest birthing's. The three teamed up and fought together for survival. Since then the three Brood-Brothers have continued their dominance because of this.

Snikkitch is the self-proclaimed leader of the Trio of Terror. A skilled caster and an expert engineer, Snikkitch considers himself worthy of leadership. His only problem is his constant bad luck which leads to him being the butt of all jokes. He also has a warpstone dust problem, usually related to a 'bad batch', which gives him bad dreams (unaware they aren't dreams at all).

Gnithnik Twitchnose (Warlock Engineer)

Gnithnik is the tallest of the three and possesses a cool head in all situations. He is an expert in ranged weapons and has very keen eyesight. Unlike most Skaven, Gnithnik doesn't talk in Skaven-Speak and his calm, quiet stance disturbs his fellow Skaven.

Insane even by Skaven standards, Snikkotto lives in his own crazy world. Despite his poor mental state, he is still very dangerous and has ranked up the biggest kill count over the years. He is a master of the wheel, which has lead to a long running gag about his love of cheese wheels. He is also a bit of a prankster, of which his main target is his Brood-Brother Snikkitch (who doesn't have a good sense of humor). Oh yes, he also believes that chipmunks will be the doom of the Skaven race.

Warhammer Painting Challange

A painting challenge between myself and my brother that fell apart quite quickly (he stopped shortly after we started), yet I still continue to add to it. I chose Empire due to my main faction being bad guys (so I went for a good guy faction) and decided to focus it around my Celestial Wizard, wanting a more ranged faction based more on gunpowder and magic.

The Inquisition in the 40K universe is one of the few things about 40K Lore that really interested me. As a result, I was drawn more to the Ordo Xenos (Alien Hunters) as they seem to be more of a faction that would deal with the strange and unknown and as such, it was where I started off.

Age of Sigmar: Death

While Skaven and Tzeentch have always been a focus of mine, I still have a soft spot for the undead. Both Skeletons and Vampires have always been a favourite of mine and with the death of the Old World (which I still believe was unnecessary), so too did my Tomb Kings ended. As a result, I decided to revive them in Age of Sigmar, taking a bunch of old models (and unfinished ones) and give them new life. I also went on a naming spree based on a movie I also greatly enjoyed (along with the names of my own OC's).

Scenery and Boards

Scenery I have made/painted for our games. Also attached is my first (and only) entry in GW's Armies on Parade competition.

Other GW Miniatures

Dedicated to Games Workshop miniatures that I haven't classified with their own sections.

A planned Xmas project. A look at what if Santa was a servant of the Chaos Gods.


 When Games Workshop ended the Old World, it was devastating for myself. I was in the middle of a big story arc for my Skaven when they threw the End Times and the end itself, thus cutting my work off completely. While I did partially return to GW, there was a time where I almost gave up on the hobby. Then I discovered Malifaux and found a game who's rules and characters were just what I was looking for. Needless to say, I'm a big Gremlins fan now.

Other Miniatures

Sometimes I just need something else to paint, something to take me away from the regular painting projects. That or it's just because they look cute (which is why it's mostly made up of Mouslings).

More Coming Soon