
Imagination is a wonderful tool. It lets you create characters, worlds and the stories that go with them. I have created quite a few over the years, but am now trying to bring some to life. As you may already know, I'm not very good at drawing, my skills being in more abstract paint and so forth. As such, I must rely on the artistic vision of other brilliant artists to bring my sketches/words/designs to life for me. As a quote from the Alan Wake American Nightmare game stated:

Stories come naturally to us. We can't help it. There are many different worlds, many competing realities within our heads, fueled by books, television, even barely remembered childhood tales. There's an endless supply of fictional concepts more familiar to us than anything or anyone real. We have a far greater connection to the fictional characters we know and love than the random people we pass on the street. Our destinies and inspirations are shaped by lies, myths and fables.

For someone like myself, this seems more true to me then most things in life, worlds (both my own and others) and the stories within are what keeps flowing through my mind. I enjoy creating characters and fitting them into larger stories (I mean seriously, I've created a lot that I have piles of paper work with character ideas and stories written on them....if only I could draw). Below are just a few of these characters as well as various art pieces done by other artist. Perhaps some day I will get that opportunity to finally bring those characters and stories to life.

The Guardian
Basically, it's me. When I was young I would envisioned myself on adventures with my characters. As I got older, this character became more of a reflection of myself.

A long running character of mine and the name that I go on the web by. Zargooran was of the villainous type until more recently, turning on a path of redemption to help fight the same darkness that he once was controlled by. A master geneticist and a dark entity, his latest research is into emotions and culture, wanting to recreate his once proud race before it's long history of genetic tampering.

Skith Warpclaw
Skith Warpclaw was originally a single being who existed a thousand years ago. An incredibly intelligent techno-sorcerer trying to bring a golden age of peace and prosperity across multiple dimensions, until he learned he was being used by dark powers. To stop their plans, he split himself in two. His darker aspect hid on a world containing villainous ratmen (he's the named leader of my Skaven force in Warhammer), while his 'good' version was lost in time and space until recently, now under the protection of the Guardian.

Mr Sanderstone
This bizarre stone hangs around.....for some reason. No one really knows why he exists, why he is here or what he wants. He doesn't really do or say anything (well, depending on who you ask I guess), but the fact is he isn't going anywhere for a while.

Storm Spear, Sparky & Lord Corrupticus Fellwing
Storm Spear, a unicorn who's essence was merged with a fragment of Hope of a powerful being known as the Guardian at birth, is a hunter of the various horrors and evil that haunt his world. His is always joined by his companion Sparky (a fuzzy glowing mood sprite) who always does what's in his masters best interest (even if Storm Spear doesn't agree). Their arch-nemesis/rival is a powerful creature named Lord Corrupticus Fellwing, who's creation and powers come from another world entirely.

There are plenty more that will be added soon, but until I get some designs/images that I'm satisfied with, they shall remain a mystery. Stay tuned. All characters © Kaine Donai.