Friday 4 June 2010

Projects - June

What a nightmare May turned out to be. So far I've completed 3 out of 10 stormvermin with 2 more to be finished today. Interestingly, my local GW store will hold a mini-demon comp in preperation for the up-coming Golden Demon comp. It's limited to 40k only, but gives me a chance to practice my more recent skills to enhance my old Ork force. I've gone through my bitz and made an Ork with big shoota for it and will begin work on it next week.

Real pain is most of my planned entries will now be put on hold for reasons I have no real control over, so lesser projects will be made for the comp. I will still do the planned ones, but they may not be completed until the end of the year. On the bright side, I will have a digital camera of my own within the next few weeks, so I can finally set-up a good spot where I live to take better shots (I currently need to go to my mothers house to take them and as you my have noticed, lighting there isn't the best).

Till next time..