Friday 26 August 2011

Space Marine Demo

So the Space Marine game demo came out a few days ago n so I had a go on my xbox. Results were varied. I mean, the graphics were brilliant and the sound was ok (what's with the orks sounding less orkish these days anyway?), weapons and controls I found odd. For starters, why give a grenade launcher when you have grenades (plus, isn't it a guardsmen weapon anyway). The play style reminds me somewhat like Gears of War, if you minus the actual ability to use cover n all that.

Overall, I don't know. Can't make a real assessment until it comes out and I can test it's multi-player, but with Gears 3 coming out soon, I don't feel that this game brings anything new except a franchised universe to play in. More importantly, will it be better then Fire Warrior (another 40k shooter in which you play a Tau fire warrior)?

Thursday 25 August 2011

What do you mean no new updates?

My apologies for not updating much. It seems that with the ending of the winter season hear in Australia, I've been constantly struck down by one virus or another. There is a time and place for being sick and now is NOT the time. With just over 2 weeks until all my projects are due in, being unable to get out of bed (let alone pick up a paint brush) is not a good sign. I'm also forced to re-base some of my skaven in order to better match the board (assuming I can finish that too).

Thursday 4 August 2011

AoP 1st Day

So time is limited and I have limited time to work on this project. As each major day of work is completed, I'll upload an update. So what took place today?

The Hill

Despite being underground, I need upper levels to display models. Unfortunately, the original design for various walkways was replaced with an upper hill level due to time and stability issues. Alas, the Styrofoam that everyone else seems to use was unavailable to me, so instead I made do with this:
At $3 per block it was cheap enough, so I've used 2 blocks. Cut in half (very badly - darn it) and placed next to each other and glued together. I had some spare left over as I only used one and a half blocks, so left over was used to make the toxic waste outlet, The hill itself was shaped using the sharp edge of a piece of slate (which will be crushed later and mixed with river sand (cheapest sand available to me) and use as basing all over the board).

The sewer pipe was made from a plastic piping piece from a hardware store. Then a 50/50 mixture of paint/craft glue was used over the lot to help strengthen the foam for when the basing and painting happened (perhaps I'm kidding myself but it seemed like a good idea in theory). Note a few holes carved into the hill as this will be used as tunnels once done up (perhaps with a rat or skaven looking out of them).

Overall, I'd say it was a good start. Now lets hope the tricky work of scenery flows just as smoothly.

Armies on Parade 2011

This page is dedicated to my Armies on Parade entry for 2011. As such I have less then a month to build the display board, minimum budget, got to finish the clan rats etc. Also note that the prize for winning the store one is a free Games Day ticket and a chance for your entry to win at Games Day. My problem is that I can't afford to get to Sydney to enter it, nor will it be easy to get to the store as I rely on public transport. Still, that won't stop me from giving it a go.

1st Day
2nd Day
3rd Day
4th Day
5th Day
6th Day
7th Day
AoP Day