Tuesday 10 June 2014

Addicted To Wildstar

Yep, nothings been done as I'm still in the 'Gotta do everything, brand new game' addiction phase. As it slowly fades I'll get back into finishing projects. Perhaps I'll do a vid or two on Wildstar this week and see how they go.

Also, I have indeed seen some of the new Ork models coming out. Sadly, I must admit I love the look of the new Flash Gits, really makes me want to add Freebooter mercinaries to my Blood Axe group.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Wildstar Fun and Failure

So, you may have notice that I didn't get those pics up or more work done. Well, that's because I got me a brand spankin new computer (as oppose to my old laptop) and beenplaying Wildstar. Well, would be playing more of it, if it wasn't for massive lag spikes and constant server maintanence. I admit, that's to be expected for a new MMO, so I'll let that pass (assuming it get's fixed soon. Particually the lag spikes).

So, how far have I gone so far? Well, I got all three planned characters created with no trouble at all. My main is now level 14 and started working on housing. My secondary is level 5 (was playing him until the servers went down.....again!) and I have my little side fun character only at level 2. Sadly I'm so busy over the next few weeks so I may not get much play time in. That said, I am considering a little idea.

I want to record a few games and see how it goes. It's a good start to practice some video recording/editing and a chance to do some voice work (or at least, a chance to improve from my quiet voice). Have to see how the next week or so goes. May do it with a few other games too, we'll see.