Saturday 27 September 2014

The End Times

And so, in a desperate bid to get people to spend more money, Games Workshop has decided that the End Times will now occur. The events from the Storm of Chaos campaign will be re-written and we finally see the return of Nagash, who is now of a ridiculous size. We also see the return of Valten, which is unnusual given their last policy of pretending he didn't exsist. Still, nice to see his return. Settra got his arse kicked (well deserving since he's a real jackass) and that brought a smile to my face, though I am disappointed that the Tomb Kings couldn't give a decent defence against Nagash and his armies (given they've been preparing for his return since his last defeat). Guess it'll be up to The Empire once againt to defeat him.

What concerns me the most though is that from those I've talked too, nothing really mentions what the Skaven are doing (well, yet anyway). Given the history of the Skaven and Nagash, the Council of Thirteen's paranoia. Alright, I must admit I have yet to read any of the books myself and someone did inform me that Clan Mordkin is in 'The Return of Nagash' book, which I probably will go and read (it's just a shame it's a $45 hard cover book - only have iPod, sadly no iPad, so digital copy would be really hard to read).

I have heard that the next End Times will focus on Chaos, with the third one (released next year) will possibly have a focus on Skaven. If so, I'm there. It's been too long since I've done anything Skaven-like in my projects and anything that could inspire a new idea would be fantastic.

Till then...