Friday 30 November 2018

Wildstar ended and my thoughts soon

So yesterday Wildstar ended and after much thought, I plan to write up something about my thoughts and experiences with the game.

This may take some time, but look out for it soon.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Projects Update - November 2018

And so the great heatwave has begun here in Queensland and thank goodness I invested in a small room air-con as it helps reduce that sickening feeling, though sadly my eyes have been stinging for a week now due to this weather.

Anyway, the Squig Hoppers are now complete:

I am not too happy with the Squigs with stripes as they just don't look right. No doubt I'll go back in the future and either fix the stripes or just erase them and do spots instead. Will update further when I have more to show on the other projects, though at least some progress has been made (probably due to the insomnia brought on with my recent medication change).

......oh yes, this also appeared recently:

Judging by the image of the Bad Moon and the various pointed mushrooms, it is safe to say that the Moonclan Grots will get the next update. This is both good and bad in my opinion. Bad in that I really don't have the kind of money to invest in a full Moonclan army, but good as we may get some new models or rules and I am really hoping that they will give an updated list for Skirmish with more Moonclan options so I have more to have fun games with.

Well see what this will hold in the future.