Sunday, 28 July 2019

Malifaux's Lucas McCabe Updated and Theory

So I'm a little behind, but yeah, recently they updated the character of Lucas McCabe from just being Ten Thunders in M3 to being duel faction with the new Explorer's Society faction.

Now apart from the fact that the lore behind McCabe makes sense to be part of an exploration faction, this might also be part of change to make new faction based models so that owners of The Wild Ones nightmare box set.

Just speculation, but I really do hope this is the case as it would give me a reason to expand his crew now that all my Guild models are now useless to use with his crew.

Friday, 26 July 2019


If you have read my reasons for the lack of updates then you already know the drill, but if you are not then let me give the short of it.

I am classified as Disabled due to my Mental Illness (Depression, Anxiety, PTSD etc), a condition that affects my ability at life. I tend to have highs and lows and oh boy, mid June to late July has been one hell of a low. Top it off with a recent serious family related issue and yeah, we have a lack of work done here. Using a Desktop PC doesn't help (I'd probably get more done with a laptop due to the convenience in getting going during low times). I do have support services and health professionals, but even they are limited in how they can help in my darkest times. Perhaps in the future I can write a series of articles better explaining my experiences with it in the hopes it can help others better understand what some people are really going through, but anyway:

So what has happened Project wise then?

Burrows & Badgers Warband is complete. Just need a good shot and I can upload with the second part of the articles. On top of that, I have also looked at add-ons and have got a Beaver done and a Kingfisher bird to do. More on that later.

Nothing has happened with Moonstone other then the basing and priming. Like wise, same for Malifaux, though I do want to talk a bit more on some of the recent changes to it later.

Games-Workshop has been a big hit or miss. However, I will try to focus on the positive. I have entered the Everchosen, though my single miniature category is a 40k Death Guard Plague Zombie thingy (which looks meh, but it was the best of the bunch) and for the Open category I have entered a 40k Death Guard Myphitic Blight-hauler (aka, the rust bucket). I'll try to get shots up tomorrow night along with the feedback that I will be requesting (one can always improve, despite my skills slipping backwards).


So the results are in and while the Plague Zombie didn't make the cut, the old rust bucket (as I now refer to my Blight-Hauler) got the Gold for my local store. Has no chance in the bigger scheme, but then it may have won by default (since I don't think anyone actually entered the Open Category in the store). As such, I've linked their photos of it here:

On the other hand, next week see's the release of Warcry and I've been invited to bring in some of my Gloomspite Gitz to form a Warband and have a go, so I might practice some more calming techniques to help go in and give it a go.

This has been the first painting comp I have entered in years and while I don't expect to pass the store round, it is the first step in getting myself back into the community again. So much so, that I have put my name down to enter a store only competition in August, which you go in with a primed model and spend the day painting it and at the end they choose a winner. As such, I will be doing a Nighthaunt Lord Executioner (with some slight conversion), so this is another big step.

Video's and Puppets are on hold, though slowly writing ideas down so hopefully more on that in the future.

I did want to start posting again, more so with thoughts and opinions on things, along with some shorter reviews/Animated Reflections until I can work my way back up to where I was before. I'll try to avoid most of the negative topics, but there are some things that I do want to address in some posts.

With luck, should see a slight increase is posts soon.



