Sunday 14 February 2021

Site and Health Update

I figured this was well overdue, so a quick update on what has been going on. So obviously my mental health has not been great, with the Christmas period hitting it quite hard. However, it is the physical health that has taken a big hit, with a nasal/sinus condition I've had for a few years taking a sudden deterioration around the September/October time and it causing all sorts of frustrating problems for me. Luckily I get to see a specialist on Monday, so with luck they can figure out all the problems and we can work on fixing it.

So where does this leave all those planned projects?


So my housing situation hasn't changed, so as such I still don't have the space to work on any of the puppets and puppet based projects, so sadly they are still on the storage and wait status. Very disappointing for my, but this limitation is a real motivation killer. I'll still work on putting ideas together, I just can't do anything with them.

Miniatures are in a similar boat, with some of the larger models being unsuitable to work on just now, while the recent Warcry faction books have really been a massive let down and so working on new warbands has halted as such (I'll most likely review one such book to explain why I'm so disappointed). Many of the Moonstone, Malifaux and Burrows & Badgers miniatures have been based and undercoated, but not much else.

Painting has been problematic. With the recent medications for nasal along with my usual Asthma ones, the shaking in my hands has gotten bad at times. As such fine detail work like highlights, patterns, eyes etc. have been difficult, if not frustrating, to do. So I've been needing something to do that didn't need me to be too neat.

So I've gone back to a batch of models I did previously and have chosen to expand on them. These are the Warhammer 40K Death Guard. So back in......oh wow, July 2019 (just looked back on the Blog history to find a post on it, no idea why the pictures are gone though) I put in for the local paining comp using a Pox Walker and a Myphitic Blight-Hauler for two of the categories. I found Death Guard are painted to look too clean, so I wanted a messy bunch. At that time I got a few more Pox Walkers and a few Plague Marines done. Though I don't remember the exact paints and techniques I used back then, I still plan on finishing more of them off. As such, these will be what I focus on, paining the base colours on a bunch of different ones at once, then focusing one each one separately to focus on washes, rusts and other effects. Will also give my thoughts on the Codex and the game in general in the future too.

As such, this is the current plan. Sorry I've been gone for a bit, but hopefully I can do better this year.