Monday 20 September 2021

Update 20-9-21

So despite continued physical illness hitting me here and their (something to do with a continuous inflamed stomach), I have had time to do a few things.

First is that I've had some time to catch up on some reading. Currently I'm reading The First Heretic by Aaron Dembski-Bowden from the Horus Heresy series. I admit, I'm not as knowledgeable about the 40K universe as I was with the old Fantasy, though Age of Sigmar will need more then Gotrek to keep me interested at the rate its going. I did finish The Lords of Silence by Chris Wraight and found it to be an enjoyable read (gives a interesting point of view from various members of the Death Guard).

So why am I reading this Horus Heresy book in particular? Because it was recommended while I was researching Possessed Chaos Space Marines. At the moment I am taking a number of undercoated Chaos miniatures I had prepped for painting a year or so ago and was working on paint schemes and lore. This book was recommended and so far I'm fascinated about the Word Bearers and their story.

I've decided to make my latest faction a small successor Chapter, with the only name I have thought of so far for them is the Transcendent Flesh. Chaos can transmute and shape anything: Air, Water, Flesh and Steel. As such, this very minor Chapter is preaching the reshaping of reality chaos brings, luring those who are dissatisfied by physical appearances from small disfigurements to full mutations, all will be welcomed within their embrace.

Miniature wise, there will be focus on the Daemonic, from Possessed to Cult of Destruction, with Cultists being the main core and a few Chaos Spawn thrown in. I'll most likely stay away from most vehicles, with the option of Hellbrutes and Daemon Engines if I did decided to add a few. My main goal is to finish the Dark Apostle first, then work on the rest around him. Hopefully should have it done before the end of the week if all goes well. That or I get distracted trying to finish the Kill-team terrain. Either way, something will get done.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Back into Painting

So I'm currently waiting for a process that could alter things for me, so in the mean time I have made a real effort to get back into painting. Haven't completed anything since the night before my place got flooded out. Got a few shots on my phone camera (which isn't great), but just put it together so here is the Baron, my Terrorgheist:

I think my biggest problem is that I'd rather play games then paint these days and the fact that I'm not playing games means there's no real motivation to paint. It doesn't help that I want to create names and background lore for armies before I've even painted them, resulting in an ever growing pile of shame.

I've gotten close to finishing nearly all the Nighthaunt that I currently have, then got distracted by Kill-team only not to be distracted by Chaos Space Marines. At the moment Ive been working on a Dark Apostle who will lead the force and am working on a colour scheme that will be the foundation for the main faction. Rule wise I'll probably go down as a Word Bearers successor chapter, with a focus on things like those with the Deamon rule (Possessed, Obliterators, Deamon summoning etc), Chaos Spawns and Cultists.

Still got so much to do so have to focus on finishing this model, then finish the Nighthaunt so I can finally get those Kommandos done.

Got some ideas for article posts to do, though I imagine some won't be popular, but feel it's time to finally tackle some of these so I can get back to getting Animated Reflections going again. So behind on everything that it can be disheartening and depressing, but have to push myself or nothing will get done and that's not what I want, so watch this space in the next few weeks.


Monday 13 September 2021


 ... while looking at your twitter feed and what you see just matches so well.