Friday 6 January 2023

So to sum up the beginning into the new year

So by day 3 of 2023, I was already rushed to hospital because of my heart. Sounds like this year is starting with a bang.

2022 was a whole mess of things and nothing I planned ever worked out the way I had wanted. Even the three main goals for my miniatures project never got done (one was so close, but the last month or two just fell apart for that).

As such, I'm going to keep things at a minimum this year. I have a feeling that the stress of the last few years has begun to take a serious toll on my physical health and until I know more about the causes of this heart issue, I have to take it easy. There for, I will focus more on Skirmish and small games over the large ones. I will also limit more of the spending so as to not add more to the ever growing pile of shame, with only expanding on what I already have. I have a Genestealer Cult Kill-team built, but will limit adding things to characters and maybe a few small add-ons for the small Arks of Omen boarding crew (as one example).

I also want to get the real project I want to do off the ground this year. This means an upgrade to equipment and starting small, working my way to the bigger stuff one I can find someone who can make high quality puppets. I may not have the space to start at the moment, but I can't sit around waiting for something to happen or I'll never get anywhere.

I also need to get back into writing more Animated Reflections this year too. I picked up some classic 80's stuff from a place in the city, but have yet to set up the multi-region dvd player to sit down and watch them. I feel I have really neglected that part of this blog for sometime and I should fix that this year.

I also plan to move away from some of the hate I am seeing a lot lately. Indeed, a lot of this seems to be in the Sonic fandom. While I have tried to defend them in the past (all fandoms have some problems, it's very common), I find myself feeling more disconnected from this fandom in particular. I might talk about this in more depth at some later date, but I will be moving back from it for a while, just to cut out more negativity.

While it is foolish to believe this year will be better, apart of me does hold hope that some things will change in a more positive way. I do plan on making more positive steps to better my health, but the space and time things I still have to work seriously on if I hope to make things better. Also plan to find ways to work with my Autism and ADHD, instead of letting those aspects take too much control away from me. Hard to stay focused when both keep pulling you apart. 

We'll wee what happens.

Until next time...