So didn't end up getting as much out as I had hoped when I returned to this Blog, probably should have expected it given how this time of year tends to hectic. With so much going on (and social anxiety going through the roof), I haven't been able to get nearly as much done as I wanted. That said, a good opportunity to show off one model that is just about finished:
So was working on a Gloomspite Gitz Xmas theme Warcry warband (with some of those past GW Xmas Red Gobbo/Black Gobbo models to lead it) and wanted to add a Troggoth, but couldn't come up with a good design. So instead decided to do a Xmas themed Treeman to act as a good proxy model for one. The hardest part is trying to find a good star for the top. Been looking at a variety of options and even a few Bad Moon parts, but so far nothing feels right. Will keep looking, but for now there are other things that need attention.
That said, don't think I have forgotten about my custom Skaven hero. The Anvil of Apotheosis has allowed me to create a number of new Skaven characters to add to my ever expanding lore and the current one is a rather insane Warlock Engineer named Ziggit Zapgnaw and his *ahem* custom chassis. Here's a teaser of it:
Most of his parts are complete, it just needs a few more bits and a front covering to complete it. I'll give more information on him as the project continues, but he will be taking the Path of the Warrior as he is a rather angry and arrogant creature. He is also so paranoid that he would rather spend his time on the battlefield taking on the enemy then to be next to his fellow Skaven (most likely a side-effect after what the Forge Master did to him).
I look forward to bringing more of my miniature projects back as I try to make a real effort in working on them throughout next year. Until next time.