Saturday 30 July 2011

First Storm of Magic game (Big)

So today I got my first crack at storm of magic with my skaven, though it was in a large scale game of 3v3. We were out matched to begin with, as they had spell dominance with them starting with 4 fulcrums to our 3. Worse still, I found my opponent had a large warriors of chaos force, with a number of heroes. Needless to say we lost, but there were some interesting moments (Like the High Elf mage summoning a fulcrum which looked suspiciously like a can of chaos black spray paint). Skaven are limited for the storm, so studying the list of bound monsters and making the right choices is a must. Here are some thoughts on things I learned from the battle:

I misread the rules for shields. This has been helpful and my next clanrat group will have hand weapons over shields.

Jezzails may not be the most accurate of ranged units, but the make good for ridding yourself of one wound wizards off fulcrums.

Mark of Tzeentch is annoying, not from the wizards (although their 2+ ward on fulcrum can be), but on their tooled lords or units vs your weak clanrats n slaves.

Unless you have a Vermin Lord on your fulcrum, any melee focused enemy character will probably beat you (though my lack of sneaky tricks available to skaven for such a thing surprised me more).

I should probably look at investing in a Hell Pit Abomination, more Rat Ogres and a Terrorgheist (man that model looks so cool - Perhaps I need Vampire allies)

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