Thursday 28 November 2013

Codex: Inquisition Short Review

Codex: Inquisition is out and after going over it again and again, I must say it is a good Codex. The one big boon with this book is the ability to field an Inquisition force without the need to field Coteaz, the rules changing the Primary Detachment being changed from that of the 40K rulebook. As such, Inquisitors are HQ and Henchmen are Elites. You can also field them as a special Inquisitorial Detachment, with works separately from a Secondary Detachment. The best part of the Inquisitorial Detachment is that a single HQ choice is required with a second HQ and three Elite choices being optional extras, thus you don't need Coteaz to filed a full group.

It's still mostly a cut and paste from Codex: Grey Knights. The exceptions are some gear options (and Relics and Warlord Traits) for Inquisitors and Ministorum Priests have been added to the Henchmen list. Both Coteaz and Karamazov have Warlord Traits added to them and Coteaz has had his Henchmen rule changed from making Henchmen count as Troops instead of Elite's, the rule now makes Henchmen count as scoring units (which they could only do normally if the Inquisitorial Detachment was the Primary one). Likewise, some of the Henchmen have been adjusted, such as the Psykers ranged attack being the same stats, but it's now a psychic power and a psychic test must be past in order for it to cast (Failure means that each Psyker in the unit suffer a Perils of the Warp). Also added in are the Dedicated Transports. These include Rhino, Razorback, Chimera, Land Raider (and it's variants Crusader and Redeemer) as well as Valkyries.

Lore wise, it has some nice information on both the Inquisition and some of it's Inquisitors. There is also information, not just on the three main Ordos, but other Ordos too. One such Ordo is the Ordo Chronos, a mysterious Ordo dedicated to investigating and stopping events and effects produced by the Warp that causes Time Travel. The only problem is that the Ordo itself seems to have vanished, their fate can only be speculated on.

So now the negatives. Still no Inquisitorial Stormtroopers or other units like we had in the previous Codex: Daemonhunters and Codex: Witch hunters. While I'm not too bummed on that, it does mean you are very limited if you wanted an Inquisition only force. Still, there are many other Imperial Codexes that can be used to fill such gaps. What does annoy me is the removal of Inquisitor Helynna Valeria's rules from the HQ section. While they put her in the lore section of the Codex, she was completely removed from the Rules section. I know that they don't have a miniature for her, that shouldn't be a reason to remove the character. She was the Special Character representative for the Ordo Xenos and her removal just annoys me. I guess that's my major gripe with this Codex.

Overall, it is a good Codex and does mean my list has to be redone. It also means I will be doing a number of Inquisitors and a small Warband for each one.

Quick thought on: MLP S4 Ep 1 & 2

My thoughts:

It was good. Liked the flashbacks, though I really enjoyed reformed Discord. For me this character still has plenty of potential and just because he's reformed doesn't mean he can't play everyone with his tricks. Just because he's now good (or at least, we think he is), doesn't mean he has to play by the same rules as the others.

Not as obsessed as I once was with the show, but this was still enjoyable.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Codex: Inquisition Info Update

From Their Blog:

The rules in this book allow you to add the agents of the Inquisition into any Imperial force (as well as fielding them, begrudgingly, alongside the armies some of the less belligerent alien races), or field them as an army in their own right.

The main focus is very definitely on the individual Inquisitors themselves, with every Inquisitor now having access to a bewildering array of options, wargear and armour, making them one of the most customisable characters in the galaxy (as it should be).

There are also plenty of ways to represent your Inquisitor’s alignment to a particular Ordo, from weapons, unique Inquisitorial relics and three Warlord Traits tables for Xenos, Hereticus and Malleus Inquisitors.

Speaking of Warlords, this codex allows you to have an Inquisitor leading your Imperial forces, even when he isn’t part of your Primary Detachment (would you argue with an Inquisitor about who’s in charge?).

Of course, Inquisitors rarely travel alone. Instead they bring with them experienced warriors and specialists, not to mention their pick of the best transports from across the Imperium. 

...and with that said, my answer is Yes, I will be buying this. Not only can I continue to field a full Inquisition army, but the idea of siding with another race really appeals to me. This is beginning to sound much more acceptable to me and may finally get a book that can represent the Ordo Xenos. Perhaps GW has finally created something I may actually be really looking forward too.

Monday 4 November 2013

(Coming Soon) Codex: Inquisition - My initial thoughts

Oh boy, what to make of this one. Well, to be truthful, I have been requesting something like this for a number of years now, so I should be glad that at least some effort was made to make it. That said, like many, I'm expecting a cut and paste from Codex: Grey Knights with a Warlord Traits and a few new items/rules. Indeed, those who got excited for Codex: Adepta Sororitas soon began voicing their disappointment in what they got and now that fear has spread to Codex: Inquisition. This, and the $40AU price tag, are the main concerns I have.
 (My Inquisitor is defiantly a Xenotech Collector)

I'm really split on this one. I have wanted something that could really represent my Inquisitor for a while now, since during the days of longing for Codex: Xeno Hunter, so it's no surprise that I'm torn between excitement and the strong possibility of disappointment. I'm not sure what to do with my current Inquisition project now that this is coming out, but will at least try to finish my Ordo Xenos Inquisitor before it's release and I have a good idea what I'm looking at.