Saturday, 16 August 2014

Codex: Orks

So I finally got my copy of Codex: Orks recently and while I was originally going to review it, there are so many reviews of it now I don't see the point of repeating what's been said. Instead, I'll point out a few things I like and dislike and see how we go from there.

Alright, lets get some of the bitching out of the way. While this version is better then what we got in the last one, there are a few flaws. The first was the lack of a Looted Wagon. Yes, I know they did put rules for it in White Dwarf, but that was only because of an outcry for it after it was removed in the new book. Also, despite improving many of the units (if only slightly) there still isn't any real reason to pick them unless you want a themed army. The lack of a Bionic Bounce (and thus, a 3+ Armour Save) for the Warboss, forcing most to either pick Mega-Armour or a Bike along with the ridiculous Games-Workshop policy of 'if we don't have a character model we now remove the character'. I also still don't know if the new Mob Rule is good or bad.

My biggest complaint with this book however is the focus on Ghazghkull becoming this warlord who must now conquer all the Orks to unite them for some great Waarrgh! and the almost complete lack of Nazdreg. So starters, I don't like this direction the Orks are taking with this whole 'united Waarrgh!' path, particually since I see atleast half the Ork players turning against Ghazghkull as a result of this Warlords path change (won't be too hard since he isn't that great as a God of War anyway).  I'm just as annoyed with the tiny mentions of Nazdreg. While it does mention that it was he who forced his Meks into perfecting their more powerful teleporter tech, no where does it mention the awesomeness that was his involvement in the Medusa V campaign. To sum that one up, his space hulk crashed on Medusa V and his Weirdboys warned him the planet was doomed. He ordered his boys to go loot and dispite having various successes, the hulk had become infested with Chaos, Tyranids and Space Marines. In the final days, Nazdreg grabbed some boyz and shot to the nearest space port. Capturing an evacuation trasport, Nazdreg used the crew to dock the ship on one of the Imperiums more powerful class ships. On board was his teleporter and so proceeded to teleport all the Orks off the planet onto the ship. With a far superior ship now in his possession, Nazdreg left Medusa V to her fate. Who did that not make it in there?

Anyway, as was mentioned, many of the units have somewhat improved. Lootas are still very good, are now a Heavy Support (where they should have been in my opinion) and are cheaper. Boss Snikrot is now a seperate Elite choice instead of an upgrade and can be atteched to a unit of Kommandos to be the Red Skull Kommandos. Better still, Boss Snikrot does not replace the Nob, so your unit can now contain both. The Gifts of Gork and Mork are great, with the only downside being a character is just limited to one. You can purchase a Mek for each HQ you purchase, which is great for giving them a Boss Pole and sticking them in units which don't have that option. I also agree with the change that was made by making the Shoota upgrade for boyz actually cost, given how powerful they've been recently. Better still, the 'Ard Boy upgrade is available to any Boys unit instead of just a single Boys unit (and the Goff rejoyced).

As a Blood Axe, the changes in this new version are an improvement. I have started to add a few new models to my collection and might even be tempted to start actually playing them just for some fun. We'll just have to wait and see.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Wildstar Finian's House Update - TFBTF

Just a quick little update inbetween my assignments, I decided to find some of those missing Tales From Beyond The Fringe key's and get the poster unlocks. And with that, I gave that stairway a more interesting look.
View looking to the bedroom
 View looking from the bedroom

Not only does this improve the look from origonally looking rather bland, but I do like a few of these cover pictures. My favourite one so far is from the issue 'Attack of the Planet Reapers!'.
Yep, this one is defenatly my favourite. So much so, that I wouldn't mind coming up with ideas for cover designs with my own characters like Finian and Xzarvox. I reckon that Finian would no doubt have a dark image, perhaps part of the picture is his head and the background a tragic event or maybe just him in some kind of gun fight. Xzarvox on the other hand would most likely be him grinning maliciously over some kind of mad scientist experiment. Must sketch up some ideas, maybe even commission an artist to do them for me too.
Finally, I managed to fix the Tree Guest House. I really liked the additions Carbine put in with things like various plates, bowls and cuttlery. Such things always add that missing something that makes creating a place like this complete.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Wildstar Characters and Housing - Part 2

Finian's Last Hope Heaven
Finian's new look - Really think it suits him (now if I could just wear the hat)

Finian is my main character I play in Wildstar and so it's no surprised that his house would be the most focused on. It's split into two area types; Social and Relaxing. Social plots are the Lopp Party and Festival Tier 6. There is also an Elite Thicket with 50/50 on which will also be classed as that when I have the placew set up. The Relaxing plots consist of Hoogle Henge, Cute Date Spot and Hot Springs (with lots of trees and plants). There are also a few extra things thrown in that show more of the characters personality (such as the bar above with the hat in his house).
So, finally got the 3 Platnum needed to upgrade my house. Unfortunatly, it also took out half of the Tree Guest House that I spent hours slowly building. Will probably have to spend some time over the next few weeks fixing that.
I've tried to place as many different plants around the Hot Springs to give a unique feel to the place. Being Aurin, having a nice variety of plant life would no doubt give a positive feel to the place....
....given what lies next to it. Finian's family was killed by the Dominion during their invasion of Arboria. Having seen many Human ways, Finian had gravestones crafted and set up so he could always have a place to remember that which he lost.
Not everything is so depressing. The Cute Date Spot is always considered a positive outlook for the future.
Plus, there's lots of room to party. Always room to expand the various party and social options.

So, what about the new house? What have I done with that? Well......
I took the space and expanded it, making the main room into a two floor structure. As you can see the Bar is finally set up, but as for the sofa and table, I plan to replace them both (the sofa will be replaced by the Draken version, which I feel suits the hunter aspect of my character).
It does seem that there is a lot of space about. Still deciding what to fill it with.
Not too much change to the bedroom. Some furniture (like the bed) will get replaced and this room will probably get a go over soon. And finally, what lies on the upper level I created?
As an explorer, adventurer and hunter, it's no surprise that Finian would have started a collection. Here is placed relics collected from adventuring, loot and trophies from hunting runs and other things that were obtained just through exploring. A mini museum in a sense.

Finian's place is still growing and will continue to do so while I continue to play (such as the Tree Guest House needing to be repaired). What else could be added? What more could be done? Well, that all depends what get's released in the future.

Art of HTTYD 2 Arrived

So yeah, The Art of How to train your Dragon 2 arrived today. So happy it arrived, now I have something to look at tonight.
iPod shot = Bad quality

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Wildstar Characters and Housing - Part 1

So, thought I'd through this one up there in between my study. I have a few characters in Wildstar now, though most are still low level and their housing plots need some more work. That said, here is the character line up:
Finian - Aurin - Spellslinger - Explorer
A character with a tragic past, his family killed by the Dominion, his home burned and community gone. A lost soul, he has grown distant from his own kind and tends to spend his time hunting Dominion or working on his home.

Xzarvox - Chua - Medic - Scientist
A creature obsessed with science in all forms, he is well suited for the role of Mad Scientist. He spends much of the time on the battlefield, both so he can practice medicine on allies and experiment on enemies. Strongly dislikes the Mechari and loves to impersonate pompous Cassians.

Zargooran - Mordesh - Stalker - Scientist
Why is Zargooran here? Why is he using a Mordesh corpse for a puppet? Might have something to do with the experiments on his property.

Donarj - Cassian - Esper - Settler
Donarj (an alteration on my last name) is well represented of a self absorbed member of the Cassian Elite. More of a classic racial stereotypical french man, he loves to tell others just how important he is. To be fair, he isn't as lazy as some of his type, preferring to stick to the motto 'If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself' (all the more reason to point out how important he is).

Finian's house is always changing, so for now I'll just throw in a shot or two to give some idea and will give a more in-depth view in part two.
Finain's Last Hope Heaven
View from entrance
 View from Tree Guest House
View from inside cramped house

Xzarvox's Mad Lab 3.0 (WiP)
 View from entrance
View from Xzarvox Bed

The Mad Labs 3.0 (previous ones were destroyed by unfortunate experiments) is a mixture of medicine, bio-engineering, technological science and much more. Unfortunately, due to constant and unfortunate experimental failures, replacement parts are still waiting to be delivered.

Zargooran's Blood Lab (WiP)
 View from entrance
View from rock top

Strain, Strain and more Strain. The Blood Labs is where Zargooran studies and experiments with Strain. For what purpose is not yet known (He won't tell anyone).

Donarj Estate (WiP)
View from entrance

Having only recently arrived, there hasn't been much time to add to the estate yet. Still, the serenity here is a much better then the annoyances of the lesser races that linger around the city.