Wednesday 6 August 2014

Wildstar Characters and Housing - Part 1

So, thought I'd through this one up there in between my study. I have a few characters in Wildstar now, though most are still low level and their housing plots need some more work. That said, here is the character line up:
Finian - Aurin - Spellslinger - Explorer
A character with a tragic past, his family killed by the Dominion, his home burned and community gone. A lost soul, he has grown distant from his own kind and tends to spend his time hunting Dominion or working on his home.

Xzarvox - Chua - Medic - Scientist
A creature obsessed with science in all forms, he is well suited for the role of Mad Scientist. He spends much of the time on the battlefield, both so he can practice medicine on allies and experiment on enemies. Strongly dislikes the Mechari and loves to impersonate pompous Cassians.

Zargooran - Mordesh - Stalker - Scientist
Why is Zargooran here? Why is he using a Mordesh corpse for a puppet? Might have something to do with the experiments on his property.

Donarj - Cassian - Esper - Settler
Donarj (an alteration on my last name) is well represented of a self absorbed member of the Cassian Elite. More of a classic racial stereotypical french man, he loves to tell others just how important he is. To be fair, he isn't as lazy as some of his type, preferring to stick to the motto 'If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself' (all the more reason to point out how important he is).

Finian's house is always changing, so for now I'll just throw in a shot or two to give some idea and will give a more in-depth view in part two.
Finain's Last Hope Heaven
View from entrance
 View from Tree Guest House
View from inside cramped house

Xzarvox's Mad Lab 3.0 (WiP)
 View from entrance
View from Xzarvox Bed

The Mad Labs 3.0 (previous ones were destroyed by unfortunate experiments) is a mixture of medicine, bio-engineering, technological science and much more. Unfortunately, due to constant and unfortunate experimental failures, replacement parts are still waiting to be delivered.

Zargooran's Blood Lab (WiP)
 View from entrance
View from rock top

Strain, Strain and more Strain. The Blood Labs is where Zargooran studies and experiments with Strain. For what purpose is not yet known (He won't tell anyone).

Donarj Estate (WiP)
View from entrance

Having only recently arrived, there hasn't been much time to add to the estate yet. Still, the serenity here is a much better then the annoyances of the lesser races that linger around the city.

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