Saturday 11 October 2014

End Times Chaos - First Drop

So, the pre-orders for the first drop has begun and what did we get?
I guess it's alright. The rules seem strong, but fair as they don't count as Monsterous Infantry and they do look chaos-y enough, but still. I do agree with many on various forums who do state that GW does seem to favour Nurgle heavily (given both Forge World and GW's previous releases) and most who have argued in favour of Nurgle have yet to come up with one that couldn't be countered. I must admit, I do like some of the mutation options.
The special character I do like. While I have no love for the Plague God, this miniature is great....for a Tzeentch conversion. Just alter the weapon, armour and flesh and presto, a servent of the Lord of Sorcery. Given that I can't purchase the Ikit Claw model at the moment for my planned conversion (apparently it's metal, meanning it's probably being set up for finecast), perhaps a side chaos conversion with a colourful paint job could amuse me in between waiting.

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