Saturday 28 March 2015

The Great Big Update - Part 1

As promised, this is probably the first of a couple of Blog updates that are well overdue. Basically, it's a set of short articles that should have been put up earlier, but as explained in the previous post it didn't get done.

Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Rangers

So, Games-Workshop finally releases pictures of some nice looking 40K miniatures that gets my interest and then destroys that by having them as a $66 box set instead of being singular or a small set. Are these guys a troop choice cause $66 seems a bit pricey for a troop choice (oh who am I kidding, Stormvermin were are core choice and they cost $83 for a box of them - that's pricey). Who knows, perhaps they'll show up separately on Ebay cause I wouldn't mind one or two of them for the Inquisitorial Warbands I'm working on.


Yep, my Birthday was this month and there's nothing more depressing then another reminder that you're a year older and not much has changed (For the record, I'm now 32....sad isn't it). Alright, it wasn't that bad and the day itself was busy and enjoyable. My brother did get me the Civilization V collection and I did get myself the X-COM: Enemy Unknown + all DLC. I've played a number of Civ matches now and it's very addictive and I admit I've never played a Civilization game until now and they are great fun. I usually prefer to win via Cultural Victory as I'm not the type of person to build large armies and go conquering.

As for X-COM, the game is fun and it a little difficult for me (I tend to accidentally get my troops into all sorts of trouble). I have learned one very important lesson though: Never name your solderers. I named mine after characters I've created over the years so when I finally lost one of them it really hurt, eventually leading to me being too paranoid in loosing any of them. I found if I didn't name them, I took more risks. Man loosing some of my favourite characters really hurt.

Ross Noble - Tangentleman

So around two years ago (I think) I saw Ross Noble on the Gold Coast at his Mindblender show. It was fantastic and for the first time in a long time had I never felt happier. I laughed so hard I panicked at one point that I'd have to leave the show in an ambulance due to my Asthma. It was brilliant. So it was no surprise then that I'd save a bunch of money and go see him on his next tour. So, was it good.

Yes, for the most part. I'm actually surprised that the Brisbane Qpac show area didn't feel as good as the Gold Coast arts one, not sure why this was. Maybe the Wicked show had the better stage area, who knows. Sadly my seating area also came with a guy complaining about getting back to what Ross was previously talking about (have you never seen Ross Noble before mate? That's what he does) and a guy a few seats down with a loud annoying laugh who was either stupid or drunk (probably both) who clearly had no respect for those watching the show around him.

This tour also was a fundraiser for a charity called Riders. The money from merchandise went to it along with the money you could give in the donation buckets they had there. I bought the merchandise pack and donated extra as well. A good laugh and a good cause all in one. Overall, a great night.

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