Tuesday 3 November 2015

November Project Updates

So the final month of Spring is one and Summer is just around the corner and to prove the point, the bloody heat has kicked in. Damn I wish it was freezing right now. Anyway, trying to focus on fine details is a bit problematic due to the needing of better light, but it also brings in the heat. Am trying to find a solution to this problem.

That said, I'm making some rather unkempt hedges at the moment and (with any luck) should get a tutorial up for them soon. I'm also finishing the final touches to a number of Gremlins while working on the Outcasts. The Neverborn and Arcanists are on hold for the moment until I can get their bases done.

Still have a number of GW and Mousling projects that are mostly done, but still need to finish them off. Hoping to get one or two of them done this month. Also should get another article or two written up, though whether you agree on my thoughts on them or not will be up to you to decide when I get them out, so look forward to that.

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