Sunday 14 February 2016

End of Tomb Kings

So the word going around now is that Games-Workshop......oh, I'm sorry......'Warhammer' is goin..

No, let's start with that shall we. This whole 'we're recognised by our product Warhammer so we're going to go by that name now' is a little misleading in my opinion. First off, when I think of Warhammer, I think of Warhammer Fantasy and given that their main product is 40K (and yes, I call it 40K and not Warhammer 40K cause most players refer to it as simply 40K) it just feels like another slap in the face to Fantasy fans. Yeah, I know it was more because people kept mistaking it for selling video games or other non-GW games and so wanted to change it to fix the confusion. Still say it was an unnecessary change.

Anyway back on topic....

So Tomb Kings is going to have it's line discontinued now that all Undead are clumped together as a single generic faction. As someone who owns Tomb Kings I do find it sad, though I'm not at all surprised. That said, I feel that at this point in time, this is a bit of a mistake. See, the thing is, a lot of Fantasy (or the old Age of Sigmar as they seem to be) are still being bought by customers wanting to play other games. Kings of War or the fan made Warhammer Fantasy 9th Ed are the main reason these miniatures are being bought, so discontinuing faction forces by a company who claims they just 'make miniatures' just comes off as contradictory and financially stupid.

And yes, I know they want to push their Age of Sigmar, but so far the stuff that's coming out has yet to impress me and the cost is just mind boggling for some of these miniatures. Hell, still wondering why they make these giant kits that are very expensive and don't produce more smaller, more affordable ones. That just makes more business sense to me.

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