Friday 29 July 2016

Gremlins Get First Look

So use Gremlins fans ended up having our new Master relieved last thanks to the votes, but Wyrd has felt sorry for us and has started revealing all the cool new things in a wallpaper format by going in reverse voting order. That means us Gremlins got first shot:

So first off you'll notice Zipp, his first mate and his crew from the new Masters box set. We also have some strange fat orange things, which just seem to confuse me as to where they stand in all this, though perhaps they have something to do with the Swamp Hag. We also have a couple of Gremlins who seem to be what can only be described as a Were-Hog (and no, not the Sonic variety, thank goodness), but what really has me excited is the Gremlin band. Ever since I started collecting the Gremlins I've wanted a banjo playing model to represent a character I created. Now there will be RPG rules to make him and with luck, a model to finally represent him (after some slight conversion of course).

It's like my Gremlin dreams come true, what more could you ever want?

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