Tuesday 10 January 2017

A new path for Age of Sigmar

So having played a lot of Warhammer video games lately, my brother has been considering a return to the warhammer universe. While he still has his Elves, he wants a detour a bit and focus on Chaos. Given he still has a bunch of Khorne daemons from our army painting challenge that he lost interest in a while back, I think it was playing as Chaos in Total War: Warhammer that triggered his interest.

Now I know what you might think. With the Skaven and Tzeentch models I've got, my AoS force is set. Thing is, that while I will keep going with those projects, I want to focus on a new area myself, so I'm going back to what got me into warhammer fantasy in the first place: Skeletons. Yes, my first warhammer fantasy miniatures was a box of Skeleton Warriors. Since Hero Quest I've always liked the idea of Skeletons when it comes to the Undead, so going back to them seems like a good idea. I still have a bunch of Tomb King models I can use until I can get some newer ones and I'm already working on a Wight King to lead them. I also plan to have a Necromancer as well, but instead of the current range, I want to create a portable base and use my Skeleton caster from the Hero Quest models I have (their in a box here somewhere).

Update: So yeah, after looking at the model, it seems it will not fit my original plans. I do plan to use it at some point (perhaps on an Undead war machine/monster), but for my original idea it just won't work. That said, I do have a solution. I plan to use a Tomb Banshee model, alter the arms with skeleton bits and a themed base or some boots from say, a witch elf or something for legs. Use her original hands to be more like gloves and maybe convert a royal staff n tiara/crown to show her connection to the king. Good plan in theory, converting it on the other hand may prove problematic.

As for the lore, well, I think I'll name the two heroes after the two leads in my current obsession, Zootopia. Nicholas the Wight King and Judith the Necromancer. Brought back through dark magics, but who have resisted the will of Nagash to lead their skeleton troops to battle injustice and stop evil wherever it may hide. Helps clarify some story elements if I'm force to battle another Death faction and since they are dead it means the so-called good faction would fight them without hearing them out. Still need to come up with a background and heraldry to use, but I could explain the different sizes in skeleton models (Tomb Kings were larger and bulkier then those of Vampire Counts) as simply those from another land who came as mercenaries and stayed loyal to the King after fighting for him for a while. Like I said, still needs work. What I want is a mixed Skeleton/Bat themed group. I have two Vampire models, one with that bat wing arm and a second converted with scourge wings, so they will be the start of the bat theme. This will be the harder of the two themes as their site seems to be removing many of the bat stuff, but I hope I'll get something for the theme.

I'm hoping that this change in direction will re-spark my interest in the hobby once again (Depression is good at destroying that).

Gratz Zootopia

Congratulations to everyone behind Zootopia, which won Best Animated Feature Film at the Golden Globe awards. As my favourite movie of the year, I am so happy it won.

I know this is a bit late, but was away helping family when the awards was on.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

SC2 - Stukov is now my chosen Co-op Faction

I can't help it. The theme, the playstyle and the shear amount of fun I am having playing as Stukov is exactly what I look for when playing a game. We finally got to play a brutal game and I just had a blast playing it.

He's not without his flaws of course. I do have some issues with timing (due to the timed life of ground infantry), problems with stealth detection and disappointing air units. Despite that, I just love the infested hordes and while they only move towards the one beacon you have, with well placed bunkers and barracks, you can have a nice endless wave of minions charging forth.

Or at least, a sizable distraction to help give your co-op partner the chance to help deal with objectives. So far the worse map I have found as playing Stukov is the jungle gas collection one, as we found out that trying to compensate at times to help your partner is not something you can do well on that map. Still, I am having a blast playing as him and hope to start getting some custom mutation map games soon.