Wednesday 4 January 2017

SC2 - Stukov is now my chosen Co-op Faction

I can't help it. The theme, the playstyle and the shear amount of fun I am having playing as Stukov is exactly what I look for when playing a game. We finally got to play a brutal game and I just had a blast playing it.

He's not without his flaws of course. I do have some issues with timing (due to the timed life of ground infantry), problems with stealth detection and disappointing air units. Despite that, I just love the infested hordes and while they only move towards the one beacon you have, with well placed bunkers and barracks, you can have a nice endless wave of minions charging forth.

Or at least, a sizable distraction to help give your co-op partner the chance to help deal with objectives. So far the worse map I have found as playing Stukov is the jungle gas collection one, as we found out that trying to compensate at times to help your partner is not something you can do well on that map. Still, I am having a blast playing as him and hope to start getting some custom mutation map games soon.

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