Thursday 2 February 2017

Projects - February/March

So I manage to find my Tomb Kings stuff, along with both my unfinished Vampires and even a Banshee I did. As a result, Many will need to be re-based to be usable and I still have the Necromancer project planned too. I've decided to go for a 20 strong Bowmen unit, so will need to turn some old warriors into archers. I'm also going to use both Tomb Scorpions as they are amazing models and I would feel bad to leave them out. I also have one Liche Priest on foot, a Liche Priest mounted, one Tomb King with shield, my High Liche Priest conversion (don't know what to use him as), 3 Ushabti, 10 Horsemen and 6 Mounted Bowmen. All are usable, but am uncertain if I'll convert them to AoS straight away or if they will just be used to fill gaps in the army.

Problem is that it's Summer here and I struggle in the heat. Given it was the hottest January on record this year, that may be a big problem for this month. On top of that, I have gone back to study, so time is limited. The plan is for the following (no particular order):

+ Necromancer Conversion
+ 20 Skeleton Bowmen (most just need a touch up, 8 need converting)
+ 2 Tomb Scorpions (really, they just need bases and their done)
+ 2 Vampires (needs re-basing and a touch up of paint)

+ McTravish and Gators (mostly done but that epoxy really stuffed this one up)

+Not sure, but might work on finishing more of those Empire models I have lying around.

Again, this is just a list to focus on as time will be limited due to the bs that is Summer (really don't like the heat). Also, the Wight King is finished and shots have been taken. Will try to use my spare time in class to put them together for uploading, so hopefully this week it'll be up.

Update: Oh boy, turns out there will be a few problems, partly due to time limitations, the other being financial limitations (turns out I have a few big bills to pay in April and I need to save). That said, working hard to finish the Bowmen and I should be able to get the bases I need for the scorpions cheap enough. Getting both done will free up more space to focus on other projects (assuming I have the time free). As such, updated the title to now include the March month to it. The Necromancer conversion will also be late as the guy who I order from is recovering from surgery (get well soon mate) and the order won't go in for a while.

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