Saturday 25 August 2018

The Search For Spacecraft Ideas

So with all the crap that seems to be going on lately and my lack of motivation in getting physical work done, you'd think that all I'd be doing is just sleeping (which isn't too far off). However, I have been running the ideas for the spacecraft model and have started getting more parts for it.

The base is a plastic cereal container, with two yogurt containers on each side and moister absorbent containers next to each one. The front of each of those containers will use modified sauce bottle tops as weapons and on the back will be three probiotic drink containers as side engines. The back of the cereal container will use three tubes as central engines. As for the front? Well, that's what I'm looking into more. I still have not come up with a great design yet and I'm looking around at various things when I do ever feel like going out to see what ideas I can gleam. This ranges from models (like ships for the front or plane wings for the sides) to various bits and pieces from hardware stores and cheap shops that just might work. There's no doubt that I'll also need plasticard strips and copper tubes & wire to add around it, though I do have an epoxy filler which might just work of shaping and modelling the hard edge parts (assuming I ever get around to testing it first).

Rough idea snaps of how the body and sides will go based
on the ideas (very much open to change).

Thankfully, the Internet is also filled with brilliant people who have crafted their own ships and there are plenty of screenshots of various ships from Science-fiction games and movies to inspire the imagination. Obviously I want to do my own thing and not copy designs or ideas, so its just down to whatever inspires me at the time.


So looking at it, I'm not too happy with the designs of the sides, mainly the two sauce bottle tops. I'm thinking of extending that section forward in smaller layers with some communication/scanning antenna and other bits on the front. Will be looking into what else I can add, perhaps wings or defense cannons on the sides. Kinda hard to give it both a sci-fi feel while still giving it a look of various parts put together (think advance sci-fi starship crossed with a space junker ship).

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