Wednesday 15 May 2019

Site and Health Update

So yeah, no updates since February eh? So here's whats been happening:

My health has not been the best these last few years and more recently I have been heavily focused on sorting out paperwork and appointments for support that it has been a central focus of what little energy I have. Can report that things are almost set up so with any luck I may have a routine that will hopefully mean I am more motivated to focus on stuff like this, though this also means I am now officially disabled due to my mental illness. Not proud of it, but have to accept it in order to move on with my life. I've cut myself off from things like mobile games and as much political and internet based drama as the first is a terrible addiction while the latter is no good for my mental health.

I still haven't given up my ideas for video projects (such as the ship, puppets, vfx etc.), so with any luck the additional support might help me slowly get started on those. I do occasionally come up with new or altering ideas, so let's just hope things go well down that path.

Miniature wise, projects are still going. I apologise for not getting any photos up (let alone not updating my DeviantArt account), but have manage to achieve the following (which people tell me I should be proud of):

+ 10 Dire Wolves: Made from 9 Fenrisian Wolves and 1 Doom Wolf converted from Thunderwolf cavalry mount. Makes my Death faction feel more like it is in the Realm of Beasts.
+ Re-based 10 Freeguild Archers, 1 Witch Hunter, 1 Unforged and 1 Jade Wizard for my Order faction.
+ Working on a Death Guard Kill-Team. Have 4 Zombies and 1 Marine with Bubotic Axe done. Currently WiP is two more Zombies, a Marine Champion with Power Fist and Plasma Pistol, 1 Marine with Flail of Corruption, 1 Marine with Plasma Gun, 1 Marine with Blight Launcher, 1 Marine with Plague Spewer and 2 Marines with Boltguns. All are nearly finished, just need some slight work but once done will give me some options for getting into Kill-Team games (as soon as I can get some support to actually interact with people for games).

Slow but steady they say. I have lots more to do, but life just isn't right at the moment to deal with that. I do have some Moonstone coming, so I will talk more about that over the next few weeks. As such. I will try to make an effort (and by that I mean really force myself) to get back into writing on this thing again. I know I'm well overdue for another Animated Reflections post and I want to start my video projects soon so I can document actual progress here.

Sadly, things like depression and aggravation really get in the way, plus this being a Desktop PC I work from and not a Laptop means getting up and setting everything up takes more from me then you'd think. I do apologise for the lack of updates, but I hope I can really get back into do a few positive posts in the near future.

Until then.....

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