Saturday 1 June 2019

Looking at the Moonstone Two Player Starter Box

What surprised me the most about this set is just how small the box was. Perhaps I'm use to seeing things like the big starter sets for games like Warhammer and Infinity, but was a little shocked at just how small it was.

Sorry for the poor quality shots, had to use phone camera for this.

The set itself comes with the following things:

+ A Basic Mini Rulebook
+ A Pack of Cards (Arcane Deck, Combat Deck, Events & Agendas)
+ 2 6-Sided Dice & 7 4-Sided Dice (The Moonstones)
+ 30 Blue Counters for Energy
+ 1 Movement Widget
+ 4 Humans: Baron Von Fancyhat, Eric the Squire, Flintlock and Friar Flavious
+ 4 Goblins: Doug the Flatulent, Vicious Midget, Beaky Bobby and Grub
+ Character Cards for all Characters

Now looking at the lot, I find the cards and dice to be very nice. The cards remind me of the quality of the Malifaux cards, with the decks being the same sort of quality as those of the fate decks I've got (good quality, but slippery so will probably need to put them in sleeves to make them easier to pick up). The Moonstone d4 also look the part well enough to get the idea for a Moonstone colour. That said, the Blue Counters feel like a cheap factory product, but I am totally fine with that as they look like the energy marks on the Character cards. Besides, I can always look for some blue stones (like the green ones I use for Malifaux) if I want to change it up.

The miniatures are something else that I will talk about. With the exception of the Friar, all the others were made of a similar plastic that reminds me of Reaper's Bones range, while having the same flaws as GW's terrible Finecast range. The detail is great, but there was the occasional whole here and there, the swords are bent and are difficult to keep straight and they all needed some cleaning to get up to scratch. Now that being said, it was in there recent Kickstarter campaign that they stated that they were changing over to a better quality product, so I expect that most of these issues will be fixed up in future releases.

Have to admit, this is not my best work when it comes to fixing with green stuff. Guess I wasn't at my best. Overall though, I do highly recommend getting this box set if you want to get into Moonstone and compared to other starters, the price is also quite good. If however you really don't want Humans or Goblins, then they do sell most of the essentials and you can just start with a faction box set or two. Either way, I look forward to having a go at this game and this box set is a wonderful start.

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