Saturday 25 January 2020

2020 Plans and Goals

Trying to look back at 2019 is pointless for me as I have great difficulty pointing out all the good from the bad, so instead, I'll use this to focus on what I want to work on in 2020 in the hope that I can achieve some of it, so lets go.


So cutting back on the whole 'big armies' thing this year. It seems that due to the current situation, trying to build and paint so many miniatures is just not possible at this point in time. As such, my focus will be on smaller projects, mostly based around Skirmish games. This includes expanding on Warcry, completing my Daemon Kill-team, an Escher Necromunder crew, finishing that Skaven/Goblin Blood Bowl team along with adding some more to Malifaux, Burrows & Badgers and finally Moonstone.

I'll probably look at adding more scenery too so I can have enough stuff to run games with however games with me.


Yes, at some point this year I really want to move into a place of my own. For those who don't know, I have been lodging with an old school friend for some time now in a Unit. While it was meant to be temporary, the rental market has made getting housing all but impossible. As such, much of my stuff is cramped up or boxed up and there isn't the kind of room to work on projects (which only adds to my lack of motivation).

While there are some new options for me in this regards, there is no guarantee that I can find a place suitable for one with the mental health conditions that I have. Still, must try to keep positive about this.

Puppet Project/VFX Project:

The main goal out off all things, this one has by far been the roughest by far to deal with. Limited space to work and trying to find solutions to all the problems associated with such an endeavor has still left me stuck in a sort of planning phase. While I do have some materials and a tone of various tutorial videos, nothing has really moved forward.

This year I hope to change all that and get progress moving again. Recent videos have also shown me that you can still achieve the basics even in limited space and while I doubt I'll get much more done where I currently live, should I find myself in a place of my own then I'll have the space to really get the ball rolling. This is one of those things I really want to achieve in getting base completion done this year, so will have a little more focus on it later in the year.

Animated Reflections:

So behind on this one. I've really been questioning the format of these short look backs as they still feel too much like a full on review instead of a nostalgic reminder of past shows/movies I watched over the years. I do expect to get back into it soon (I've watch a number of animation show Youtube reviewers, so I am trying to motivate myself to get back into this one too).


Which finally brings us to this site/blog itself. It is still woefully in need of a serious update and some better content. I plan on trying to add more to it in the future, but am still trying to figure out what to talk about. Maybe I'll do some actual reviews or perhaps talk about current things that are happening, but I want to steer clear of a lot of negative things (we all have strong opinions and sometimes mine my slip the gaps of this rule) and ultimately just want to talk about things that I feel comfortable talking about or that I enjoy talking about.

Again, what that will be is still unknown, but then 2020 is still very much an unknown year to us all, so let's see where it takes up.

Till next time. 

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