Friday 21 February 2020

Miniatures Update February

Bit late on this one, wanted to get the recent Burrows & Badgers models that I just got in with this as well. Also, sorry for the poor quality of the photographs, will make sure that the painted versions are done better. This was sort of a late minute rush job just so I could get something up to show progress. Also, due to the basing paint, it seems the bases have blended in on the blue cloth I had them on for some reason (may have been the light I used). So let's start with Moonstone:

The First Set is Boris the Bunny Summoner and his Murder Bunnies, The Jackalope, Gloom and Chubs. After I undercoated them I noticed the gaps more clearly and have begun fixing them with green stuff.

The Second consists of Drunk Fritz, Anotnia, Danica, Zorya, KS exclusive Zorya, KS exclusive Gwendoline and KS exclusive Loubard. Fritz was probably the hardest to put together, but a few of these minis were also difficult to clean up.

Finally there is the Burrows & Badgers stuff that arrived. We have a Magpie, a female Hedgehog archer, a male Squirrel warrior, the KS Mole and a large female Border Collie warrior. The first three will be added to my own crew collection, while the last two will be the start of my second crew collection, which I'll start adding to later this year.

With any luck, I'll start feeling well enough to begin actual painting of these miniatures. I know that with the cooler weather coming over the next few months, that it should make it easier for me to get back into painting again. Let's hope so.

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