Monday, 5 October 2020

October Thoughts 6/10/2020

So in the last thoughts in September, I talked about different generations and their views of cartoons and what some considered weird cartoons. Since then I decided to watch a bunch of compilation videos featuring the intro's to cartoons of the 80's and 90's (which I did over a number of days as they took up quite a few hours to watch and look up). I must say, there are a number more that I would now consider weird, but more so that I would like to actually watch.

So there are a bunch I now want to track down and watch. Some are ones I do remember watching and would like to see again, while others are ones I had never heard of and am just interested to see. Of course, that's easier said then done as beyond the shows intros, much of the actual content is extremely difficult and some almost impossible to find (so far Charlie Chalk is the only one I've found as a full series). This is rather frustrating, as you can't get them on DVD or anything and with very few online videos, it feels like a big loss. That said, feel like I've got a better chance of finding episodes for most of those shows then I have of finding a single episode of Commander Crumbcake online.

If I find some I may actually do a few Animated Reflections on them, given that I'm trying hard to return to doing that series again.

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