Monday 29 November 2021

My opinion of the term 'Canon'

So today my twitter feed was caught in a set of discussion over what is considered 'Canon'.

So Canon is a word used to describe what is considered to be official in things like Characters and Story in a particular franchise/show/book etc.

For some, what is official canon is considered to be sacred and anyone doing anything that goes against that is therefore a target of ridicule. This becomes more problematic when there is more then one creator/writer and the longer it goes the more changes occur, which in turn splits a fanbase further.

Then you have those who believe their own canon should be the official one and attack anyone who disagrees with them. This too becomes worse when that person also has a following of people who agree with them.

A good example is the Sonic fandom, a franchise that by this point has so many different versions of the characters and lore that it can be very difficult to navigate at times. Then when those at the top change things around preferring one version over another, it can become hectic. Given how long it has gone for and how many versions there are, each new one has new fans which can result in conflict with older fans. It was bad enough with the whole 2D vs 3D argument, but when you get into Characters, Lore, Shipping etc. you find where the fan base it truly divided.

So where do I stand on what is canon and what isn't?



Yep, I love the idea of multiverse theory and how many franchises tackle the issue.  I'm a strong believer that in every franchise, every universe of characters and story are but one of many. Sure, the owners of said franchises may have their official canon, but from that a multiverse (or alternative universes) begin to exist through the creativity of fans. Their characters, their stories, exist in an alternate universe and everything that exists in it is its own canon. Nothing can change that, though the original franchise owners may try to deny its existence or even destroy the multiverse, in truth, they really can't. The fandom creates its own and that alone justifies their existence. 

In a way, the official canon is still the official canon, only those who own those rights can alter with it. However, every fans work exists in an alternate universe, one that only they can shape and it is part of a much larger multiverse. It would mean that you could do what you want with your universe without it upsetting someone else's universe. I imagine that if people gave up on trying to justify what they believe is officially canon and just accepted that their canon is officially an alternative universe canon, it might stop at least a part of every fandom from going at each other.

Well, I hope. Humans are only human after all.

Quick Review: The Hero Quest Collection

So I pre-ordered this like, last year I think and it was meant to come out mid this year, but was delayed due to a plastics issue I believe. Finally got it late last week, so what did $300 AU got me?

So straight off the bat, it was more then I though it was. The game itself is mostly the same as it was back in the late 80's/early 90's, with some changes. Some models have been renamed or replaced entirely, most likely due to Games-Workshop and their aggressive trademark control. So things like Chaos Warrior are now Dread Warrior and Fimir replaced as Abomination. A number of designs have also changed a bit, with the Gargoyle changing to a more generic demon look as the original was more akin to GW's Bloodthurster.

Then we have the issue with the main characters. Changing the skin colour of the Dwarf I can understand, but the Elf becoming female is a little more confusing. My general opinion would be to supply both a male and female version of each character for more variety. In fact, if you got the collection box that I did, then that's exactly what you got. Why did they not include it in the main game is beyond me, though that said, my female barbarian did not fair well with my order. Heck, it looks like they even tried to super glue her together badly before shoving her back in.

Poor pic, but bent sword, arm not connected and white glue stains around that area

While I don't have my original game manual on me (it and most of the original game is in a box some where), it does look like it is a similar game format with one player being a Dungeon Master and up to four player heroically entering to battle evil. Don't hold me to that though, I'd suggest looking and some other more in-depth reviews for that. However, all the original cardboard furniture and doors are now all resin, so that's a bonus over the original.

Also with this game came the two re-masted expansions (I never got the original ones back then), but also an extras box. This kit came with three more campaigns, a couple of new monsters and a few more hero options: Male Orc Bard, a female Warlock (counts as wizard hero for weapon, artifacts and equipment), a Wizard option who is a Zargon model (the main bad guy), a female Durid, gender swaps for the main four heroes and a final hero model which there is no info on the set for. From what I've gathered, these were all part of the add-on tier list that was unlocked through extra funding (think kickstarter), but still no info on the hero guy holding a torch.

While I am disappointed over the busted Barbarian model I was sent, the rest of the game looks good. It certainly was a major nostalgia trip for me as the Original HeroQuest game was my first ever miniature game and it was ultimately what drove me to miniature wargamming in my latter teenage years, so to see it return once more is a real pleasure to see. Can't wait to see people play this one.

Quick Reviews: The Dark Crystal Adventure Game


So despite the release date being in February next year, this one showed up late last week. Having read through it a few times, I think I have a good overall opinion of it.

The games story takes place after the Age of Resistance Season 1 (because the morons at Netflix would rather dump amazing award winning shows like this to produce cheap crap. Some people have no taste). You are one of a number of Gelflings called through one of a number of reasons to the Mystics, who have had a vision of a great calamity of Thra, most likely due to the spread of The Darkening. They have tasked you and your companions to recover a seed from each of the seven great trees that will save Thra from this fate in the long run. Time is short and failure is very much possible.

Game wise, like any RPG, one person is the Game Master (a.k.a GM) who will craft the story of the adventure, while the others create a Gelfling to embark on this epic quest. You can pick from any of the seven Clans, each with their own Clan Trait with each having three additional traits that can be learned (you start with one of these) and yes, with the exception of the Drenchen Clan (who are focused on being underwater), all females have wings and can fly (so long as they aren't carrying a more heavier load). Skills exist as categories with each one having three specialization. So say you pick to learn a Fighting skill, you need to pick one of the specializations, those being Finesse (dexterous combat), Marksmanship (ranged combat) or Ferocity (forceful attacks and heavy weapons). From what I've gathered, you can choose more then one specialization too, so you could learn both Finesse and Marksmanship, though having a more diverse set of skills is more preferred. You start with two Skills already learned. This is then followed by a Flaw (both for story and gameplay elements) and finally The Summons (so what brought you to the Mystics).

So lets take my first character as an example (based on how the book explains it to me):


Clan: Dousan (spiritual desert clan)

Clan Trait: Dousan (good at finding water and desert survival)

Starting Trait: Dream-etched Tattoos

Starting Skill 1: Scouting - Sneaking Specialization

Starting Skill 2: Agility - Reflexes Speciaslization

Flaw: Timid

The Summons: Amnesia


So my Gelfling character has sort of wandered into the situation suffering Amnesia and his Timid nature isn't helping his situation. Sneaking and Reflexes are also helpful for enhancing this characters personality. At some point I want to have an air of mystery to this character so that further down the adventure this will be addressed as part of the adventure. Now just need to name him.

Back on topic, for the GM there a basic maps of the locations, including some main points and what Darkening effects may take place (The Darkening can make the campaign harder if you prefer it). There are also a list of various animals/enemies and a few extra bits thrown in. Combat is simple for the most part, though some enemies will be rather challenging. There is a type of NPC Gelfling creator for the GM if they are having a little trouble. Honestly, I've never been a GM, so I am unsure what is useful and what is needed. 

As a big Dark Crystal fan, this sort of was a must have for me and overall I was happy with this book. I would have preferred some more detail on things like Gelfling Clans, names, symbols and meanings etc. to help better flesh out characters, but there is enough material out there that GM's and Players can use to enjoy the immersion into the world of Thra.

Thursday 18 November 2021

Malifaux - Bayou Starter Box Review

So it's no secret that I love the Bayou faction in Malifaux, the Gremlins to be precise. As such, when I saw that there was a starter box, I knew I had to get it. 

The first thing that struck me was that these models were the characters from their Bayou Bash board game. I assume thatthey decided that it would just be better to just have the models set aside for something like this. I just hope we see the others show up soon.

So what does this box come with? Well, lets have a look:

- Bo Peep (Henchman - Pig riding Gremlin)

- Fluffernutter (Enforcer - Rabbit riding Gremlin)

- Ruffles (Enforcer - Rooster riding Gremlin)

- Stumpy (Enforcer - err Treeman riding Gremlin?)

- 2 of every base Gremlin upgrade cards

- 1 Rules Reference card

- 1 Bayou themed Fate Deck

- 1 Bayou themed Measuring Widget

- 10 Bayou themed Scheme Markers

So not a bad starters pack in my opinion. The crew itself is 25 Soul Stones in total and with upgrades and adding a few extra stones for use, I'd say you would be fine in games of 30 - 35 Soul Stones. If you want to play higher Soul Stone games then I'd suggest you look at getting a few more models for your crew. Given these models all have the Versatile keyword, they don't cost extra when adding them to any Bayou crew.

However, what shocked me the most was after I'd got all my tools for miniature building set-up, I opened the box only to fing the models came pre-built. They still require you to glue them to the blank bases, but the fact I didn't need to find instructions online and cut and glue tiny thin pieces of plastic was a real boon for this box set.

This is a great beginner set for the Bayou faction and will certainly get you by long enough until you find a Master you like. The fact that they are versatile means that they can be added into any Bayou crew regardless of Master without the dreaded +1 to a models cost. Heck, if you just wanted Bo Peep to lead your crew, then look to models with the Jockey or Sooey keywords to avoid needing to pay the +1 costs (Swine-cursed might work) and of course those with the versatile keyword such as the Luck Effigy/Emissary.

If you plan on doing a Gremlin crew and still haven't chosen a Master or just want to expand withsome cool models, then I would recommend having a look at this box set.

Also, sorry if this post looks a bit off, but I've been trying to see what it's like to work from a tablet, so I'm still trying to get the hang of working with such restraints in the hope that I get more work done.