Thursday 18 November 2021

Malifaux - Bayou Starter Box Review

So it's no secret that I love the Bayou faction in Malifaux, the Gremlins to be precise. As such, when I saw that there was a starter box, I knew I had to get it. 

The first thing that struck me was that these models were the characters from their Bayou Bash board game. I assume thatthey decided that it would just be better to just have the models set aside for something like this. I just hope we see the others show up soon.

So what does this box come with? Well, lets have a look:

- Bo Peep (Henchman - Pig riding Gremlin)

- Fluffernutter (Enforcer - Rabbit riding Gremlin)

- Ruffles (Enforcer - Rooster riding Gremlin)

- Stumpy (Enforcer - err Treeman riding Gremlin?)

- 2 of every base Gremlin upgrade cards

- 1 Rules Reference card

- 1 Bayou themed Fate Deck

- 1 Bayou themed Measuring Widget

- 10 Bayou themed Scheme Markers

So not a bad starters pack in my opinion. The crew itself is 25 Soul Stones in total and with upgrades and adding a few extra stones for use, I'd say you would be fine in games of 30 - 35 Soul Stones. If you want to play higher Soul Stone games then I'd suggest you look at getting a few more models for your crew. Given these models all have the Versatile keyword, they don't cost extra when adding them to any Bayou crew.

However, what shocked me the most was after I'd got all my tools for miniature building set-up, I opened the box only to fing the models came pre-built. They still require you to glue them to the blank bases, but the fact I didn't need to find instructions online and cut and glue tiny thin pieces of plastic was a real boon for this box set.

This is a great beginner set for the Bayou faction and will certainly get you by long enough until you find a Master you like. The fact that they are versatile means that they can be added into any Bayou crew regardless of Master without the dreaded +1 to a models cost. Heck, if you just wanted Bo Peep to lead your crew, then look to models with the Jockey or Sooey keywords to avoid needing to pay the +1 costs (Swine-cursed might work) and of course those with the versatile keyword such as the Luck Effigy/Emissary.

If you plan on doing a Gremlin crew and still haven't chosen a Master or just want to expand withsome cool models, then I would recommend having a look at this box set.

Also, sorry if this post looks a bit off, but I've been trying to see what it's like to work from a tablet, so I'm still trying to get the hang of working with such restraints in the hope that I get more work done.

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