Tuesday 26 October 2021

Game Options Other Then Games Workshop

So here is something that seems to be a highly charged topic at the moment. Feels strange to see the 40K fanbase acting like Games Workshop has betrayed them when a number of them had a go at the Fantasy crowed when they complained about the end of the Old World and the move to Age of Sigmar. These two scenarios aren't the same, but the feelings of being betrayed are. I've long since left that 'fanboy' part of my behind when they killed off Fantasy Battle, but wasn't long after they did that my eyes were opened to all manner of miniature games.

While I doubt most will straight up leave the Warhammer franchise, I know there are a bunch of other games that one can look at and see if any of it appeals to them. A good way these days is by both looking at the miniature range and the other is by looking up battle reports on YouTube to see if the game play appeals to you. Obvious Sci-fi choices are things like Battletech, Infinity and Star Wars Legion (X-Wing/ Armada for ship battles I believe). Heck, Marvel Crisis Protocol seems quite a good one if your into the Superhero franchise.

For me, I can only really speak based on ones that I have played/own and so there are three that I can talk about.

I was a player a bit of Malifaux back during 2nd edition, but currently 3rd edition seems to have reworked some rules and added a bit more of a focus on keywords then on mix & match characters. As such, you tend to focus your crews based on sharing the same keywords now for better synergy. Much like many skirmish games that have actual focus (unlike the simplistic rules for Warcry and Kill-Team), each keyword crew tends to have a number of options that also lead to various play styles. It's also a game in which no dice are used, but instead uses a Fate Deck, which is essentially a deck of playing cards. Don't let that put you off as it is actually quite fun to use. Naturally, my main is the Bayou faction, cause moonshine drinking, hillbilly greenskins are just the best.

The next one is a lesser known one called Moonstone. The main focus of the game is to finish with more Moonstones then your opponent (2 - 4 players), which sounds simple enough until you realise that digging them up and holding on to them isn't as easy as it sounds, cause your opponent is also after the same goal. There a three factions: Commonwealth, Dominion and Leshavult, which have a mixture of races in each with some being duel faction. This game has no points, but instead simply has a crew model limit, with the number of models you can have in your crew being reduced based on the number of people playing a game. The game does use d4 dice which are the Moonstones (the top number on the die is how deep it is buried), but also uses two different card decks, one for ranged/casting/abilities and one for melee combat. The models to use keywords, with which some character abilities do work with them, but you don't need to focus on it as much as Malifaux to have a fun game.

Finally, there is Burrows & Badgers, a game that is reminiscent of the old Mordhiem game. You create your crew by picking on a starting factional power (though you can create your own story about why the rules suit your group without needing to be from that factional type) followed by a Den (essentially a base that grants a particular bonus and can be upgraded with extra options). Then you get into the best part, building your crew. You get a set amount of gold, which you use to purchase you characters and their gear. The thing is, your characters are anthropomorphic animals and there are a lot of them, each with their own costs and stats (so a mouse is a cheap option while a badger is more powerful but more expensive as well). There a a bunch of stats that are used for various things from movement to combat, weapons and armour can effect your offensive and defensive capabilities and there is even a magic system. You have experience, leveling, skills, injuries and death. More recently they have added Witch Hunter and Necromancer warband options now and there is a huge miniature range with more sculpts being added each year. This one rarely gets a look in compared to other games, but if you want to have a warband that grows through a campaign, then definitely give this one a look in.

And with that, I round this off by saying that if you feel disappointed with GW or are just looking for something new to try out, then check out the many options that are out there and give some a go.

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