Tuesday 19 October 2021

Project Update for October

So a number of health and family issues have resulted in feelings of overwhelming depression and exhaustion. To top it all off, the recent BS coming from Games Workshop has really hindered me from making any real progress on GW mini's.

So instead, I'll take a break from them (my Chaos Space Marine stuff is built and undercoated, plus I'm still gathering ideas for a Deamon Prince for a conversion anyway) and instead focus on some miniatures that are long overdue for some work, that being of Moonstone. I'll mix it up between the Faun and the Fairies, as they have the most miniatures to work with (Humans and Leshavult crews being the second sets on my to do list). Perhaps focusing one at a time could help. Otherwise, I still have some Malifaux to finish too.

I've also manage to figure out how to use a tablet as a monitor for a DSLR camera, so another step closer to figuring out all this puppet stuff. Now I just need a puppet to get some practice in to see how the recording of video and sound work (and how to get them into sync).

Hopefully I'll have some stuff up at some point over the next few weeks. Still desperately need to update that bloody banner and background and I am way behind in regards to Animated Reflections. Perhaps I should maybe add something modern that I love to get me motivated again. We shall see.

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