Sunday 22 May 2022

A Positive Post

 I am still fuming over yesterday and it will take some time before I'll can talk more about THAT movie. Today, however, is one with positivity.

First off, the Australian Federal Election is finally over (and hopefully all those forsaken UAP ads). We finally got rid of the arrogant and sef-absorbed morons, with an increase in Green votes just makes it all the sweeter.

I've also been working on a few Blood Bowl teams. I have found that doing one or two models here and there helps keep me going, even if its slow. Main ones I am working are an Underworld team and a Necromatic Horrors team. The latter is my attempt at a simple Halloween theme on to go with the festive theme Space Wolves. Speaking of which, finally settled on a colour scheme for the Thunderwolves, but will alter their riders with a Snowman look.

Finally, found a video about an app that lets you take photos of objects and turn them into 3D objects in 3D software. This could be a rather useful tool. I prefer to work with props, but given the space I have means that I have rather limited options. Something like this could provide a solutions to a few of the problems I've encountered.

Overall, a much better day then yesterday.

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