Sunday 13 October 2024

Been a while

Oh boy, has it been a while since I put anything up on here. It was always my intention to continue this Blog with regular updates, but as with all things in life, things never go the way you plan. It's not like this is the only thing of mine that hasn't been updated in a while if you follow some of my other media spots.

I'm hope to change that over the next few years as I push myself to achieve some level of momentum for my various plans and projects. The first will be my look at the recent Skaven Battletome, which will be more of an opinion and thoughts piece as oppose to an actual review. This is due to the fact that I simply can give a proper review on something I don't regularly play and so will instead talk about what I like and dislike with hopefully a more friendlier viewpoint (as oppose to just being angry about something). Won't be the greatest piece, but I look forward to talking about the little ratmen again. Should be up within the next week or so.

Let's see what happens.

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