Thursday 26 August 2010

Be very,very quiet...We're hunting Art thieves.

As I check on deviantArt regually (I'm here), I was reading the journal of one of the artists I have on deviantwatch.

Journal Update

Now I know art theft is common on the internet, but I must say I am impressed that this artist and her friends have managed to find various individuals who have stolen her art and claimed it as their own. She then links their sites and exposes them as art thieves. While it may not seem like much, an artist is very protective of their work and that simple art theft is a major blow to the artist. Sometimes a simple email to the thief will cause them to take the work down, but in many cases that thief may choose to insult the artist back and thus a vulgar and violent language slinging match between the artist's fans and the thief's allies begins. In some cases legal action may be threatened (an artists published work is copyrighted and they can sue you for theft) and in a minority of those cases it actually goes to court.

I applaud this artists actions and hope that down the track people will stop stealing her work, which is fantastic I must say. Now if only I could draw that good.

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