Monday 25 October 2010

After the Battle.

The mad rush is finally over. With the Island of Blood battle day gone, I can finally sit back, relax and focus on other projects now. I still have a Master-bred Rat Ogre and a few skaven projects to finish, but I have a few side chaos & seasonal projects to start on.

As for the battle day, it was 3 choices only and since everyone for Skaven were using their blood island box set, I had been asked to bring something more unusual. Since the Master-bred wasn't complete I chose my Globadiers, Jezzails and the Forgemaster (a 'count's as' Ikit Claw). After a crazy battle with various extra rules thrown in the resault was a Skaven victory (but only just). Needless to say, Grey Seer's a pushy, so in future I must remember to ensure that a few stray poison wind globes fall near them.

I'll post up a brief report soon.

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