Sunday 18 September 2011

The Rad Brad

theRadBrad's channel

If you don't know who this guy is, then where have you been. I discovered his channel when looking for some Dead Space 2 stuff and I'm always coming back to see what's new. Just recently, and article was done on him. I gotta say, is there anything this guy can't do? Most 'Let's Play/Walkthroughs' are usually boring rambles and crap, but I find this guy extremely entertaining. If you haven't seen one of his vid's, I seriously suggest you check them out.

Take it Bitch!!

Thursday 15 September 2011

R U Ok Day

It's R U Ok Day, a day in which you ask someone: 'R U Ok?" As the site says:

R U OK?Day is a national day of action aiming to prevent suicide by encouraging people to connect with each other & ask: "R U OK?". R U OK?Day does not provide crisis intervention or counselling. If you need crisis support call Lifeline 24/7 on 13 11 14. 

 Suicide is a serious issue and one that shouldn't be ignored. I suffer from depression/anxiety and I freely admit that during my high school years, I had indeed had such thoughts. It was thanks to my mother and a school councilor that I overcame such thoughts. Such thoughts do still occur, but they are thankfully extremely rare and since then I have learned some thought control.

I call out to everyone that if you do experience such thoughts, seek help immediately. There is no shame in asking for help or even just talking to someone. Try talking to your doctor or councilor, as they can direct you to more professional help should you need it. Talk to your family and friends, as talking can sometimes help relieve some of the pain and emptiness.

Finally, if you do have such thoughts, please don't do it. There is help out there and it can be overcome. So to everyone out there today, go ask someone: R U Ok?

Monday 12 September 2011


Woot, it's finally over. With all that comp now behind me I can start to focus on future projects. It also means I can start focusing on my photography, which up until now has been rather lacking. Don't worry, I'll still be painting miniatures and hopefully will have some up soon. I'm also hopeful to get a chance to play Dead Island. As a big fan of the Left 4 Dead series, this game is somewhat different, yet still looks like a good co-op zombie game. My bro gets it sometime next week and if my laptop can run it, then I'll join him. If not, then we'll have to look at xbox version.

Armies on Parade Day

Went to bed at 1am, woke up at 6am and back to work finishing the board and Clanrats. Blasted public transport, the blasting thing was over 15min late, which ment I missed the connecting services. Still, managed to make it for displaying purposes.  So here are the picks of the board on the day. My apologies on the pics, was forced to use my old digital camera to take the shots.

Mighty Forgemaster Skith stands tall above his mighty force.
This close up is the toxic pool. Needed to get a better shot of it for reference. The lump of crap in it's center is actually the sludge piece from the plagueclaw catapult.

Overall result:
I didn't win, but still I was content with the result of the board. I admit I wasn't happy with the board in the sense that I actually had to cut back on the original design. The Warp Energy Amplifier ( a large, powerful version of a warp-energy condenser) was cut completely from the board, and the steam pump & Jezzail scaffolding was scaled down.

I would like to congratulate my only real other opponent, a win well deserved.

So, what of next year? Will I enter again, considering all the trouble this entry cause? (after all, so much focus on this plus being constantly ill cost me time on my golden demon entries....actually, none got completed, but I had to put in I entered my funny little Night Goblin Shaman)...and if I did enter, what race and board theme would I do?

Only time will tell.....(seriously, wtf was up with that line).

AoP 7th Day

One the 7th day God may have rested but no such luck for me.
With Armies on Parade due tomorrow, I spend until 1am (so early 8th day I guess) doing all the finishing touches such as painting the scenery n toxic pool. Water effects on the toxic pool, finish painting my clanrats. Much time was spent between the Clanrats and the Steam pump thingy. The globes were quickly painted like a Globadier orb.

AoP 6th Day

Time is really short now. I've had to redesign a number of scenery bits just to complete it on time.
Behold, the steam pump device....thingy. Actually, this is half the complex size due to time restrains, and will be placed on the hill instead of near the toxic dump. Where it use to go is where the Jezzail platform go, and now will only hold 3 instead of the original 5. Have also did a black wash on the board, followed by Codex Grey drybrush, and then a 50/50 Grey/White mix drybrush. The wood was drybrushed with Graveyard Earth. The Toxic sludge is just greenstuff with half-beads for bubbles with paint brush bottoms pushed into the GS to create the popped bubble effect.
Both scenery pieces will be added and based thanks to some air dry clay.

AoP 5th Day

The camera flash doesn't do the board justice. Anyway, the board was givin a black undercoat, followed by a dark grey covering. The planks were also given a scorched brown coating. Time is very short and it doesn't look good as far as finishing it. I've had to re-base alot of models during dry times. This includes my slaves, doomwheel, rat swarms and globadiers. Also, scenery has only just been started.

AoP 4th Day

Time was short today, so I only managed to get most of the wooden planks down, but none the less productive. Started on toxic sewer n alter.

AoP 3rd Day

So, tracks were lade using the sticks and the rails were made from GW movement tray sides. It was also the time to start laying the river sand/slate. Lots of PVA glue (had to pop back to the shops cause was a bottle short). The globes were more interesting. Their bases were Berocca lids with the moister absorbing bit removed (I think that's what it is) with a marble placed in the hole.

AoP 2nd Day

Ok, so not much to update on the 2nd day as all it had was me smashing slate and cutting around 80-90 paddle pop/icy pole sticks. All I can say is you tend to get lots of blisters on your hands.