Thursday 15 September 2011

R U Ok Day

It's R U Ok Day, a day in which you ask someone: 'R U Ok?" As the site says:

R U OK?Day is a national day of action aiming to prevent suicide by encouraging people to connect with each other & ask: "R U OK?". R U OK?Day does not provide crisis intervention or counselling. If you need crisis support call Lifeline 24/7 on 13 11 14. 

 Suicide is a serious issue and one that shouldn't be ignored. I suffer from depression/anxiety and I freely admit that during my high school years, I had indeed had such thoughts. It was thanks to my mother and a school councilor that I overcame such thoughts. Such thoughts do still occur, but they are thankfully extremely rare and since then I have learned some thought control.

I call out to everyone that if you do experience such thoughts, seek help immediately. There is no shame in asking for help or even just talking to someone. Try talking to your doctor or councilor, as they can direct you to more professional help should you need it. Talk to your family and friends, as talking can sometimes help relieve some of the pain and emptiness.

Finally, if you do have such thoughts, please don't do it. There is help out there and it can be overcome. So to everyone out there today, go ask someone: R U Ok?

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