Friday 3 February 2012

An update too late.

Well, that went fast, so what's happened since then?

Photography front - nothing. Seriously, Queensland weather lately is ether too bloody hot or raining.

After my first successful Movember challenge, my bro enters his first Shave/Colour for a cure.

Finished the Cannon & crew as well as handgunners for my 500pt challenge. On the other hand, his High Elves are now 2,500pts which means more clanrats to compete (as well as a rat-ogre mounted warlord).

Not sure what I'll enter into Golden Demon this year (I'll have that many fantasy single mini's to choose from), though I almost have everything for my 40k entry (something I'm looking forward too). As for the rest, many idea's though nothing started yet.

Alot to catch up on so I should be updating very soon.

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