Wednesday 28 March 2012

What is Brony?


Hmmm, where to start. I play Skaven, first-person shooters (and Assassin's Creed) and loved the movie Aliens...and yet, and yet.....I somehow find myself drawn to this show, this 'Friendship is Magic'. When I first saw screenshots and images for this show I thought, oh here we go, another classic show getting a horrible updating (I hate the 'new' Looney Tunes show, WTF WERE THEY THINKING??). One day, I was at my mothers house sitting with my two sisters and saw an episode they were watching, followed by a second. As I saw more I realized I was getting sucked into it.

So why? Well, the first is that the characters are actually likable, the story is extremely well written and that it's just overall enjoyable to watch. Upon trying to get pics n stuff for my sisters I came across the term 'Bronies'. Reading about it I realized that I myself may have fallen into this category; so how do I feel about it?

I find it surprising just how much hate gets thrown at Bronies considering that all they do is support a show about friendship and other positive feelings. It's ironic how liking such a show is considered wrong, yet it's ok to support a cartoon that's contains constant violence, animal cruelty and visually sexualising and degrading women. I had hoped society had evolved enough that males could be more open with such positive feelings, certainly that's what we're always told. If you don't like the show, fine - that's your opinion and your allowed to have that. However flaming such things is simply not on and simply doing it because you think the show is girl-y or because it makes you feel superior is just sad.

So, would I be willing to be called a Brony? Yeah, why not.

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