Monday 30 July 2012

Corrupticus Sculpt Research

I've been planning on hot to convert Lord Corrupticus Fellwing. As was pointed out by skylermaniac, I should look at making the flaming wings out of the same acrylic plastic that Necron Gauss rods. Well, I've done some research and it does appear possible to be able to fine a similar coloured rods (Called Acrylic Rods) or similar style acrylic, melt it enough to fit and shape into a preset mold. Of cause, the catch is it's extremely difficult and dangerous for someone with no experience (A.K.A - Me). However, there is still time to look into this option as I haven't purchased the dark pegasus yet. If I find it's still too much trouble, I'll use green stuff as a back up.

Sunday 29 July 2012

Twinkle Part 1

As before, I mentioned Twinkle. Who is Twinkle? Twinkle is the name of a Daemonic Mount, ridden by Xzark Soulsplitter, a Chaos Lord of Tzeentch. Before you start, if Terry Pratchett's Death can call his horse 'Binky' I don't see why I can't call Xzark's mount 'Twinkle'. Besides, Xzark started off more as a comical character and while now his become far more serious, it seems fair to keep some level of comedy to the character.
This is where I'm at so far. I've only attached most of his parts, with some toes and wings still to go. The head is attached through an armature and I'll begin sculpting fur and feathers on before attaching the wings. Note that a Daemonic Mount can't fly, which is why one wing is feathers and big and the bat wing is a little smaller and off angle. This means the creature is tormented with wings that could only really help slow a fall and not much else (unless wing slap counts as an attack). I also plan to sculpt some scales, though I'm still not sure if I'll sculpt eye's on it yet (I say 'it', because being a beast of change you can never tell when it's male or female).

Friday 27 July 2012

Bazza da Spawn

Tzeentch only knows why I decided to call my planned Great Chaos Spawn 'Bazza' but I have the usual monster base (one from an High Elf Dragon off Ebay, so it should be a good size) and have some Fimo air dry clay (which claims it's similar to china dry finish). Once I finish designing the base, I'll begin sculpting the shape with the Fimo clay, then detail it with green stuff. The plan is to have two large arms and a massive mouth, lots of eyes, maws and tentacles too, similar to the Fulcrum I did.

My Empire project goes well for Armies on Parade with the arrival of a unit of Pistoliers, Archers/Huntsmen and Handgunners <shudders at the thought of doing another unit of them>.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Star Wars Fandom Anyone?

No real explanation needed. Just enjoy.

Stupid but Funny 1

Most YTP (YouTube Poop) aren't really funny and more irritating, but then there are times you find some that make you laugh. I find this one was rather enjoyable.

Monday 23 July 2012

Wee Beasties

So while I'm working on the current projects, I'll also be working on a few side ones. Now, putting aside Lord Corrupticus Fellwing and Twinkle (I'll share more on who, or rather what, that is soon) I want to start working on some monsters. There are a few idea's like a Storm Dragon and a Giant Spawn of Tzeentch, but there are a few other creature's from my stories I'd like to create like Nightmare Fiends, various Trolls, etc. My only problem, which one to start first?

Thursday 19 July 2012

Empire Army Challenge

This page links all posts regarding the Army Builder Challenge my Brother issued me with.

The Challenge
The Army List
Pt1 - Cannon & Handgunners
Pt2 - Gold Wizard & Celestial Wizard
Pt3 - Witch Hunter & Halberdiers Detachment
Pt4 - Coming Soon

Monday 16 July 2012

Disc of Tzeentch

So this is the disc that has been decided on for the sorcerer model.
Ok, so I'm not entirely sure how I'll go about converting it but I'm sure one or two small flying bases would be a good start.

July - New Plans

With all my previous plans now thrown into turmoil, I have re-evaluated my current situation (damn that sounds so stupid) and have reworked them. As such, I have taken the planned chaos sorcerer and (after speaking with my bro, whom I was giving the model to anyway) will now dedicate him to Tzeentch a will now place him on a converted Disc of Tzeentch. I also plan to paint his robe as if it was made of Tzeentch's Horror daemons. I will continue work on the Empire challenge, but am now going to use it as next years Armies on Parade (assuming Games-Workshop doesn't decide to change the rules on that too......not keeping my hopes up on that). Am working on a Master Engineer, using the classic Marco Columbo model (which strangely gives me the feeling of Leonardo De Vinci - the Assassin's Creed version). Will start on wizards soon and have Archers on order.

I also plan a few more looks for Project: Stormspear including Stormspear wearing a suit of armour caller Stormlord's Wraith (used in the grand battle with Corrupticus) and two more Corrupticus pics, one just after his defeat and one after he recovers from it.

Finally, have found the small art easel that was packed in one of my boxes. Plan on ordering one of those artist starter kits, the one's that come with all the brush's and a DVD on various styles and strokes. Plan on getting back into it after so many years away from it. With any luck, I may be able to get good enough to start painting scenes from my various stories.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Out of GD

That's right, Golden Demon is officially over for me. It seems that the way in which you put in your entries has now changed. Originally we just paid an entry fee (about $8 - $25) and put our entries in store and (if it passed) it went through to the regional selection, in which the top three of each category is sent to Sydney for the finals. This has now changed.

Now if you wish to enter Golden Demon you must pay for a Games Day ticket (around $75), then pay to travel to Sydney (return trip of course), pay for accommodation down there and then enter Games Day just to lodge your entry. I'm sorry, but there is no way I'm willing to spend between $500 to $1000 just to lodge a $22 model in a painting competition. It's almost as if the top heads of Games Workshop are trying to piss us off and if so, they are doing a bloody good job. It's hard enough with my depression trying to stay interested in this hobby, now it seems they're trying to do everything in their power to cause people like me to quit it.

Monday 9 July 2012

GD update

With the Warlord looking like it may be out of contention, I've been thinking of alternate projects. The first is a Chaos Sorcerer for the Fantasy Single Mini, though that's all I've got so far. Keep getting distracted since I've borrowed Skyrim from a friend (love playing my solo spell caster).


Bogans - Australian's we like to laugh at. Another funny Australian song.
And if you weren't sure how to be one, this guys clip (below) is a helpful guide to true Boganhood.


If you havn't seen this by now, well now you can say you did.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Set Backs Aplenty

Things didn't go well yesterday as my mounted Skaven warlord was knocked over and suffered damaged. Now I'm not sure if I'll have it ready in time for Golden Demon as I'm unsure if any repairs will ruin the model. Worse comes to worse, I'll just have to grab a few single mini's and get them painted.