Monday 16 July 2012

July - New Plans

With all my previous plans now thrown into turmoil, I have re-evaluated my current situation (damn that sounds so stupid) and have reworked them. As such, I have taken the planned chaos sorcerer and (after speaking with my bro, whom I was giving the model to anyway) will now dedicate him to Tzeentch a will now place him on a converted Disc of Tzeentch. I also plan to paint his robe as if it was made of Tzeentch's Horror daemons. I will continue work on the Empire challenge, but am now going to use it as next years Armies on Parade (assuming Games-Workshop doesn't decide to change the rules on that too......not keeping my hopes up on that). Am working on a Master Engineer, using the classic Marco Columbo model (which strangely gives me the feeling of Leonardo De Vinci - the Assassin's Creed version). Will start on wizards soon and have Archers on order.

I also plan a few more looks for Project: Stormspear including Stormspear wearing a suit of armour caller Stormlord's Wraith (used in the grand battle with Corrupticus) and two more Corrupticus pics, one just after his defeat and one after he recovers from it.

Finally, have found the small art easel that was packed in one of my boxes. Plan on ordering one of those artist starter kits, the one's that come with all the brush's and a DVD on various styles and strokes. Plan on getting back into it after so many years away from it. With any luck, I may be able to get good enough to start painting scenes from my various stories.

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