Wednesday 6 February 2013

Plans Vs Depression

Yes, my depression has hit a major low point and it is hampering things. What I've been so wanting to do is to finally sketch up proper designs for some of my longest running characters and from them, get other artists to bring them to life (figure of speech). Alas, this depression along with recent events is really screwing me over.

Not that I haven't been entirely useless. Work has resumed on my converted Chaos Lord and I've been gathering parts for my Inquisitor character. The Crusader conversion is finished and painting commenced, but here's the unpainted version:
As you may have guessed, this guy isn't too fond of Tyranids. I know GW did erase Squats from it's lore, but then there have been sketches of a Dwarf like race living as part of the Tau Empire, so I do believe space Dwarfs are still in there.

While I will try to get back to my character designs, fate also throws me the release of Dead Space 3 tomorrow. Oh what to do....

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