Saturday 2 February 2013

Inspiring Chaos

Had a look at the new Warriors of Chaos armybook that was released today and to be truthful, I don't see where all this hate is coming from. Yes, it is more expensive to field a large unit of Marauders/Warriors that are marked (I believe the Khorne and Tzeentch marks are more expensive), but there are things that have improved as well. The Daemonic Gifts & Mutations chart has improved immensely and while there is a major drop in magic items, that too was to be expected. The randomness has come back with things like the Eye of the Gods, Chalice of Chaos, Forsaken random chart and the Mutalith's bound spell.

I guess some might disagree with that last part, given they probably want a serious army, but you are dealing with Chaos. It's an infinite and unbound power that shifts and changes and the new rules better reflect that power. Spell wise is defiantly better if you are Nurgle or Slannesh as some spells count as Hex or Aug depending if you cast it on an enemy or ally. Not only that, but a marked sorcerer can choose between two lores, one god base and one set (so Tzeentch has Lore of Tzeentch or Lore of Metal).

I'm happy with this new book and it has encouraged me to finish converting Xzark, my Chaos Lord of Tzeentch. I can see him being more effective then before.

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