Wednesday 30 January 2013

Time Wasting and Hate

Finally decided to watch the last few seasons of Red Vs Blue. Gotta say that while both were good, the last seasons ending (the final couple of minutes) just didn't feel right. I guess that after what they did to Church, I just felt that it was similar to previous seasons. In fact, I think seasons 6, 8 and 10 all had the same ending in my opinion (a similar theme anyway).

I've also noticed on the Net the huge amount of hate thrown towards the game Aliens: Colonial Marines. Personally, I don't get it. I guess maybe people don't like the gaming company or that the idea of a Co-Op Aliens game seems right. I did learn just how much of a complete asshole people can be with bagging things out without proper criticism. Personally, if a person dislikes something about a product, then I would assume you would use logic and facts to point out why they dislike it. When I see a comment like:
"OMG This is shit and all those of you who buy it a fukkin faggots"
......yeah, your intellect is showing. I prefer reasons behind it, not just some fanboy vs hater talk. I guess that's what one should expect on the internet these days. My opinion of things change based on intelligent feedback, like perhaps something ruins the storyline (thinking of you Blizzard) or perhaps there are a lot of bugs or too much 'pay for' content (which is sadly becoming more common these days). Of coarse, perhaps the whole point of such stupid comments is just some marketing ploy to fuel my rage and buy the product just to make a point....I don't know.

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