Thursday 3 January 2013

The daily update

Not really, but it is an update of today's works so far.
Decided against using one of my better canvases for the Zargooran pic. Given it's been so long, decided to start out with this basic first version with a better one planned down the track. So far the space/star effect is done, though I feel I may have gone overboard with the stars.
Most of the base colour has been added to this guy. I'm liking the colour so far. As for his base, I'm wanting to give this Ordo Xenos warband the feel that they are on an organic alien planet/ship like effect. This is the basic construction of the base:
1. Green stuff the base. Take a blob of it and spread it around. Don't smooth it or anything, lumps and
 dints are what will help the effect.
2. Shape it about. This involves first using a sculpting tool or something similar to move bits of it about to give it that disgusting, organic look. Then with a brush and some liquid green stuff, make lumpy bits and veins, but make sure they blend into the base (Note: you may have to wait for the green stuff to dry first before using the liquid green stuff). It doesn't have to be neat or anything. Once done, leave to dry overnight.
3. Paint. Normally I use flesh colours (darkest to lightest) with purple/red washes to give it a flesh/blood effect. For the alien bases I decided to mix purples with the flesh colours to give it a more 'alien' feel. Once the paint/washes had dried, I used 'water effects' to give the bases that sticky/slimy look. Watered down blue paint and a thin brush to add a few veins here and there just for a bit of fun (overdoing it does ruin the effect).

Hopefully I'll have this model complete soon, along with the other project.

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